Gargantua Villain

Real Name: Edward Cobert.
Occupation: Professional criminal, former research biochemist.
Identity: Known to the authorities.
Legal Status: Citizen of the United States with a criminal record.
Other Aliases: Leviathan.
Place of Birth: Ithaca, New York.
Marital Status: Unrevealed.
Known Relatives: None.
Group Affiliation: Former employee of Dynatechnics, occasional pawn of the Mad Thinker and Dr. Elias Starr.
Base of Operations: Mobile, previously Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
First Post-Reboot Appearance: ASTONISHING ANT-MAN #
History: Edward Cobert graduated from Cornell University with a Master's degree in biochemistry. Employed by Dynatechnics' Pittsburgh branch, he worked on an FBI-SHIELD project dealing with producing a new super-soldier. When the project was shut down prior to human testing, Cobert decided to illegally test the procedure on himself. Over the next month, his body mutated, growing in height and muscle mass. After the first week, he was unable to hide the changes; after the second week, his intelligence had dropped considerably, a side effect he hadn't considered. Dynatechnics kept him hired, officially, but moved him from researcher to test subject, keeping him sedated and secured as other scientists studied his notes and worked to reverse the process.

But even they couldn't contain him for long, as the cost of maintaining the sedatives necessary to keep him docile took their toll financially on the company. Cobert, now referred to as Leviathan by Dynatchnics, broke free of his restraints and went on a rampage throughout Pittsburgh. This led to a battle inside Three Rivers Stadium between Leviathan and the (since retired) adventurer Avril Aero, who had been in Pittsburgh pursuing another case. Following the fight, Leviathan was arrested by SHIELD and moved to a secure secret location, as the Vault did not have space for him.

A decade later, Cobert was released into the custody of a man claiming to be a relative of his. This man was later revealed to be the Mad Thinker, who used Cobert – who the Thinker rebranded as Gargantua – as a diversion to infiltrate the Chicago Dynatechnics offices). This put Gargantua into conflict with Giant-Man, while Ant-Man and Wasp foiled the Thinker's schemes. Gargantua was again arrested, though the Thinker escaped.

The Illinois state prison wasn't equipped to handle Gargantua for long, and he broke free. This led to him being used as a pawn by Ant-Man's rival, Dr. Elias Starr, against the ant-sized adventurer. Ultimately realizing he was being used, Gargantua gave up the fight and just walked away.

Gargantua was later seen in the American Southwest, where he clashed unsuccessfully with the Hulk.
Age: 39.
Height: 25'.
Weight: approximately 15,000 lbs.
Eyes: Brown.
Hair: Brown.
Uniform: Blue-black bodysuit with a brown stripe down the chest, brown cowl that leaves the face open, brown gloves, and brown boots.
Strength Level: Gargantua possesses superhuman strength enabling him to lift (press) roughly 50 tons.
Known Superhuman Powers: Trapped at giant size, Gargantua possesses superhuman strength and durability.
Other Abilities: Gargantua was once a skilled biochemist, though his intelligence is now such that he cannot normally make use of those skills. He possesses athletic level stamina and reflexes.

1,324 points

ST: 62/250 [240*†] HP: 62 [0] Speed: 6.00 [0]
DX: 12 [40] Will: 10 [10] Move: 13 [35]
IQ: 8 [-40] Per: 10 [10]  
HT: 12 [20] FP: 12 [0] SM: +4
Dmg: 7d+1/9d+2 (26d/28d) BL: 769 lbs. (12,500 lbs/6.25 tons)
Dodge: 10 Parry: 11 DR: 105* (tough skin)
IT:DR: /5  

Languages: English (Accented) (Native Language) [-2].

Cultural Familiarities: Western (Native) [0].

Advantages: Combat Reflexes [15]; Damage Resistance 105 (No Signature, +20%; Tough Skin, -40%; Passive Biological, -5%) [394]; High Pain Threshold [10]; Injury Tolerance (Damage Reduction /5) (Passive Biological, -5%) [119]; Nictitating Membrane 25 [25]; Single-Minded [5]; Super ST +12/+200 (Size, -40%; Passive Biological, -5%) [426]; Super Throw (Biological, -10%) [18]; Very Fit [15].

Perks: Striking Surface [1].

Disadvantages: Curious (9) [-7]; Ham-Fisted -1 [-5]; Increased Consumption 2 [-20]; Oblivious [-5]; Social Stigma (Criminal Record) [-5]; Social Stigma (Freak) [-10]; Status -1 [-5]; Stubbornness [-5]; Wealth (Poor) [-15].

Quirks: Dull Taste/Smell [-1]; Forgetful [-1]; Mouthy [-1]; Replaces "I" with "Me" [-1]; Rhymes Whenever Possible, But Badly [-1].

Skills: Biology/TL8 (Biochemistry) (H) IQ+0 [4] – 8; Brawling (E) DX+2 [4] – 14; Chemistry/TL8 (H) IQ+0 [4] – 8; Climbing (A) DX+0 [2] – 12; Electronics Operation/TL8 (Scientific) (A) IQ+0 [2] – 8; First Aid/TL8 (E) IQ+2 [4] – 10; Intimidation (A) Will+0 [4] – 10‡; Jumping (E) DX+0 [1] – 12; Lifting (A) HT+0 [2] – 12; Mathematics/TL8 (Applied) (H) IQ+0 [4] – 8; Physiology/TL8 (Human) (H) IQ+0 [4] – 8; Running (A) HT+0 [2] – 12; Streetwise (A) IQ+0 [8] – 8‡; Sumo Wrestling (A) DX+2 [8] – 14; Throwing (A) DX+2 [8] – 14; Wrestling (A) DX+2 [8] – 14.

Starting Spending Money: $4,000 (100% of Starting Wealth).

* Modified with Size (-40%).

† Includes +12/+200 from Super ST.

‡ Includes -1 from Oblivious.