Hulk Anti-Hero

Real Name: Bruce Banner.
Occupation: Nuclear physicist and biochemist.
Identity: Publicly known.
Legal Status: Citizen of the United States with no current criminal record.
Other Aliases: None.
Place of Birth: Dayton, Ohio.
Marital Status: Single.
Known Relatives: Brian Banner (father, apparently deceased), Rebecca Walters Banner (mother, deceased), Elaine Walters (aunt), Jennifer Walters (cousin).
Group Affiliation: Avengers.
Base of Operations: Phoenix, Arizona.
First Post-Reboot Appearance and Origin: INCREDIBLE HULK #1.
History: Dr. Bruce Banner was a biochemist with knowledge of nuclear physics working for a research firm with government contracts. The project Banner was assigned to involved studying the surges of incredible strength people gain when angry or frightened. This project was of personal importance to Banner, as he had recently lost his childhood girlfriend, Julie Connors, in a traffic accident. Julie had been trapped in an overturned car when it caught fire, and Banner had been unable to free her. Banner wanted to know how it was that others could tap into this strength but he could not when it mattered most.

During the course of the project, Banner hypothesized that certain external factors may play a part in gaining this extra strength during periods of stress. Cross-checking background gamma and cosmic ray emissions during the times of documented instances where normal people exhibited brief surges of enhanced strength, Banner discovered that a number of cases coincided with high points in the background gamma radiation received from the sun. Checking the date of the accident when Connors died, he discovered that day was a low period in the cycle.

Deciding to test his theory without waiting for proper authorization, Banner subjected himself to what he believed to be a controlled dosage of concentrated gamma radiation. Unknown to him at the time, however, the equipment he was using had been modified by a coworker to produce nearly ten times the amount it was calibrated for. In most people, the amount of gamma radiation he received would have been instantly lethal.

Banner, however, possessed an unknown genetic code similar to that possessed by mutants; it is entirely possible that Banner was a latent mutant, and the dose of gamma radiation he received mutated his DNA even further. At first, there were no known effects from the experiment; Banner was about to write off the experiment as a failure when circumstances changed.

On the drive home that night, however, his frustration on his inability to change a flat tire quickly grew to anger, triggering his first transformation into the Hulk. After he released his frustrations on the car by picking it up and tossing it into the nearby woods, the Hulk wandered aimlessly. As his rage calmed, he found himself returning to the research center where he, as Banner, worked. Banner awoke in the lab the next morning with no memory of what had happened, dressed only in tattered jeans. His coworkers quickly determined what had happened, leaving Banner to wonder about what he had inadvertently released.

Since then, Banner has sought a way to reverse what had happened. At first, the Hulk was a near mindless creature bent solely on random destruction; it was only Banner's buried psyche that prevented the Hulk from taking a human life. Recent experiments have resulted in a slightly increased intelligence for the Hulk. With his new intelligence, the Hulk became a founding member of the Avengers, although it is not known how long he will remain with the team.
Age: 31.
Height: (as Banner) 5' 6", (as Hulk) 7'.
Weight: (as Banner) 150 lbs, (as Hulk) 1,040 lbs.
Eyes: (as Banner) Brown, (as Hulk) Green.
Hair: (as Banner) Brown, (as Hulk) Green.
Skin: (as Hulk) Green.
Uniform: None.
Strength Level: In his human form, Bruce Banner possesses the normal human strength of a man his age, height, and build who engages in minimal regular exercise. The Hulk possesses superhuman strength enabling him to lift (press) well over 200 tons. He can only achieve this strength level when he is enraged. In a totally calm state, the Hulk possesses significantly less strength, although he is still formidable, able to lift (press) around 70 tons. The Hulk's strength is tied directly into his adrenal gland, so the angrier the Hulk gets the stronger he becomes. Because no one has yet dared to make the Hulk supremely angry, there is no way to gauge his maximum potential strength. The most he has been seen lifting when enraged has been around 500 tons.

Known Superhuman Powers: Dr. Banner possesses the ability to transform himself into a superhumanly powerful green-skinned creature. When he transforms into the Hulk, Banner grows 18 inches and packs on almost 900 pounds of mass from an unidentified, possibly extradimensional, source (this extra mass may be linked to the extradimensional mass source utilized by Ant-Man and Wasp via Pym particles). The transformation is tied into Banner's adrenal gland; intense situations of fear, anger, frustration, or hatred will trigger the transformation. The amount of time the transformation takes is dependent on the initial surge; the transformation into the Hulk has taken as long as a minute or as short as ten seconds.

In addition to the Hulk's superhuman strength, he is highly impervious to intense heat (up to 3,000° F) and cold (down to -190° F), has incredible recuperative abilities, possesses an incredible imperviousness to harm – the Hulk has been shown shrugging off field artillery shells, although it is doubtful he'd survive a direct nuclear detonation – and is immune to all terrestrial diseases. His powerful leg muscles enable him to leap three miles in a single bound.

The Hulk also has one ability apparently not connected to his superhuman physiology; he is able to perceive astral forms. The nature of this ability is unknown.
Abilities: Dr. Banner is a genius in both nuclear physics and biochemistry. On the other hand, the Hulk has below average intelligence, comparable to that of a sheltered teenager, although he has an undeniable cunning that aids him in battle. Originally, the Hulk's intelligence was equal to that of a small child; recent experiments by Banner in attempting to control the Hulk have resulted in the Hulk gaining a slightly more mature level of intelligence. Because Banner and the Hulk are the same being, Banner can, at times, manage to control the Hulk's actions to a limited extent.

Red King: Unfortunately, the most savage of them all, the Hulk, will not be feeling the executioner's blade, for you cannot kill what is already dead.
Hulk: Oh, I'm not dead. I'm just MAD!
- Planet Hulk

Bruce Banner

2,926 points

ST: 8 [-20] HP: 8 [0] Speed: 5.00 [15]
DX: 9 [-20] Will: 10 [-20] Move: 5 [0]
IQ: 14 [80] Per: 12 [-10]  
HT: 8 [-20] FP: 8 [0] SM: 0
Dmg: 1d-3/1d-2 BL: 13 lbs.  
Dodge: 8 Parry: 7 DR: 0

Languages: English (Native) (Native Language) [0].

Cultural Familiarities: Western (Native) [0].

Advantages: Alternate Form: Hulk (Reciprocal Rest, +30%; Trigger: Intense Anger/Frustration (Occasional), -30%; Biological, -10%) [2,914]; High Manual Dexterity 4 [20]; Single-Minded [5]; Wealth (Comfortable) [10].

Disadvantages: Bad Sight (Mitigator: Glasses, -60%) [-10]; Charitable (12) [-15]; Clueless [-10]; Obsession (Eliminate the Hulk; Long-Term Goal; 12 or less) [-15]; Pacifism (Self-Defense Only) [-15]; Workaholic [-5].

Quirks: Cautious [-1]; Distractible [-1]; Dull [-1]; Habit: Constantly Chews Gum [-1].

Skills: Games (Chess) (E) IQ+1 [2] – 15; Science! (WC) IQ+3 [60] – 17.

Starting Spending Money: $8,000 (20% Starting Wealth).

Hulk (as standalone character)


3,654 points

ST: 304/365 [2,565*] HP: 304 [0] Speed: 7.00 [0]
DX: 10 [0] Will: 14 [30] Move: 7 [0]
IQ: 8 [-40] Per: 10 [10]  
HT: 18 [80] FP: 18 [0] SM: +1
Dmg: 31d/33d (33d/35d) BL: 18,483 lbs./9.2 tons (25,025 lbs./12.6 tons)
Dodge: 11 Parry: 13 DR: 0

Attributes: ST (Size, -10%) ; DX ; IQ ; HT .

Secondary Characteristics: SM ; Dmg ; BL ; HP ; Will ; Per ; FP ; Basic Speed ; Basic Move ; Dodge .

Languages: English (Accented Spoken; Illiterate) [-4].

Cultural Familiarities: Western (Native) [0].

Advantages: Combat Reflexes [15]; Extra Attack 1 [25]; High Pain Threshold [10]; Immunity to Disease [15]; Indomitable [15]; Injury Tolerance: Damage Reduction (/100) [300]; Regeneration (Fast: 1HP/min) [50]; See Invisible (Accessibility: Astral Forms Only, -40%; Psionic, -10%) [8]; Super Jump 6 [60]†; Super ST +9/+70 (Size, -10%) [351]; Super Throw 3 [30]; Temperature Tolerance 160 [160].

Perks: Penetrating Voice [1].

Disadvantages: Appearance (Ugly) [-8]; Bad Temper (6) [-20]; Berserk (9) [-15]; Hidebound [-5]; Pacifism (Reluctant Killer) [-5]; Social Stigma (Monster) [-15]; Truthfulness (6) [-10]; Wealth (Dead Broke) [-25].

Quirks: Cannot Float [-1]; Expression ("Hulk Smash!") [-1]; Third Person [-1]; Uncongenial [-1].

Skills: Brawling (E) DX+8 [28] – 18; Jumping (E) DX+2 [4] – 12; Lifting (A) HT+2 [8] – 20; Throwing (A) DX+2 [8] – 12; Wrestling (A) DX+8 [32] – 18.

Starting Spending Money: $0.

* ST is bought as ST 295 (Size, -10%); listed value includes Super ST +9/+70

† Super Jump is calculated using ST/4 rather than Basic Move.

Hulk (as Alternate Form)

3,599 points

Attribute Adjustments: ST +287 (Size, -10%) [2, 583]; DX +2 [40]; IQ -6 [-120]; HT +10 [100].

Secondary Characteristic Adjustments: SM +1; Will +4 [20]; Per +2 [10]; Basic Speed -0.75 [-15].

Language Adjustments: English (Accented Spoken; Illiterate) [-4].

Advantages: Combat Reflexes [15]; Extra Attack 1 [25]; High Pain Threshold [10]; Immunity to Disease [15]; Indomitable [15]; Injury Tolerance: Damage Reduction (/100) [300]; No Bad Sight [10]; No Charitable [15]; No Clueless [10]; No Obsession [15]; No Pacifism (Self-Defense Only) [15]; No Workaholic [5]; Regeneration (Fast: 1HP/min) [50]; See Invisible (Accessibility: Astral Forms Only, -40%; Psionic, -10%) [8]; Super Jump 6 [60]†; Super ST +9/+70 (Size, -10%) [351]; Super Throw 3 [30]; Temperature Tolerance 160 [160].

Perks: No Cautious [1]; No Distractible [1]; No Dull [1]; No Habit: Constantly Chews Gum [1]; Penetrating Voice [1].

Disadvantages: Appearance (Ugly) [-8]; Bad Temper (6) [-20]; Berserk (9) [-15]; Hidebound [-5]; No High Manual Dexterity 4 [-20]; No Single-Minded [-5]; Pacifism (Reluctant Killer) [-5]; Social Stigma (Monster) [-15]; Truthfulness (6) [-10]; Wealth (Comfortable Becomes Dead Broke) [-35].

Quirks: Cannot Float [-1]; Expression ("Hulk Smash!") [-1]; Third Person [-1]; Uncongenial [-1].

Skill Adjustments: Give the following skills: Brawling (E) DX+8 [28] – 18; Jumping (E) DX+2 [4] – 12; Lifting (A) HT+2 [8] – 20; Throwing (A) DX+2 [8] – 12; Wrestling (A) DX+8 [32] – 18. Remove the following skills: Games (Chess) (E) IQ+1 [2] – 15; Science! (WC) IQ+3 [60] – 17.

Role-Playing Notes:

Design Notes:

1. The Hulk is one of the messiest builds I've dealt with so far. Not only is there Bruce Banner and the Hulk to deal with as two distinct characters, there's the Alternate Form and its Trigger to factor in. On top of that, there are at least four distinct personalities inside their shared head: Banner, Savage Hulk, Innocent Hulk, and Smart Hulk (or the Professor), all of whom have different mental traits that do not even out nicely as the Split Personality trait calls for. At this time, I have ignored Savage Hulk and the Professor, focusing on Banner and Innocent Hulk. Savage Hulk includes an additional -2 to IQ (making him just barely sapient) and the Bestial trait, for a net adjustment of -50 points. The Professor is essentially the Hulk without the decrease in IQ (keep the bonuses to Will and Per, however), Banner's skills, and without the Third Person and Uncongenial Quirks.

2. Without his Alternate Form as the Hulk, Bruce Banner is a mere 13 point character. This is liable to be adjusted later.