Real Name: Uatu.
Occupation: Observer, chronicler.
Identity: The Watcher's existence is not known to the people of Earth.
Legal Status: None.
Other Aliases: None.
Place of Birth: Unrevealed.
Marital Status: Unknown, possibly inapplicable.
Known Relatives: Ikor (father, removed from existence), Aron (nephew, deceased, removed from existence).
Group Affiliation: None.
Base of Operations: The Blue Area of the Moon.
First Post-Reboot Appearance: FANTASTIC FOUR #1.
History: The Watcher is one of a handful of entities known to predate the Universe itself. Once, before the destruction of the previous universe and the creation of the current one by the cosmic entity known as the Living Tribunal, Uatu was a member of a race of Watchers, a species which due to guilt over their actions had developed a code of strict non-interference with regards to other species and events in the universe. Uatu, who had at some point in the distant past been assigned to monitor Earth, was considered the equivalent of a "juvenile delinquent" of his people due to his many covert actions in aiding and guiding humans, usually by pointing them in a given direction or allowing them to view his monitoring equipment while he was recording certain events; the Watchers' strict non-interference policy prohibited even these actions.
When the Living Tribunal destroyed the old timeline to create the current one, the entity offered Uatu the opportunity to survive in order to help chronicle the new timeline. According to the Tribunal, there was a very good possibility that Uatu – unlike his fellow Watchers – would survive the transition without assistance; the Tribunal merely changed the circumstances from a possibility to a certainty.
It is currently not known whether the Watcher's people exist in the new timeline, or if Uatu is the only one. Even Uatu seems uncertain as to whether his people exist.
The Watcher was first seen viewing the launch of the Fantastic, the first faster-than-light craft designed by humans, though to many his face appeared as a cloud formation in the Florida sky. He has since been spotted personally observing many other significant events, including but not limited to the formation of the Avengers, the X-Men's first battle against Magneto, Captain Marvel's first public appearance on Earth, Tony Stark's escape from captivity in Afghanistan as Iron Man, and the first transformations of Bruce Banner into the Hulk and Johnny Blaze into the Ghost Rider. Whether he permitted anyone involved in these incidents to see him is up for debate. In each of these instances, he only uttered one phrase, which may or may not have been heard by key bystanders: "And so it begins."
Recently, the Watcher has appeared before the Fantastic Four, summoning them to his abode in the so-called Blue Area of the Moon. His motives for doing so are currently unknown.
Age: Indeterminate.
Height: 20'.
Weight: 2.5 tons.
Eyes: White, glowing.
Hair: None.
Uniform: None, tends to dress in a manner reminiscent of a Roman toga.
Strength Level: The Watcher possesses the normal superhuman strength of a humanoid of his height and build, though he does not engage in regular exercise, relying mainly on his formidable psionic prowess. Without using his psionic power to bolster his strength, he is able to lift (press) roughly 1 ton.
Known Superhuman Powers: The Watcher is nigh-omniscient in regards to events surrounding the Earth. He is also able to project an image of himself anywhere in the world, representing his own point of view for the events in question, though he often disguises his face in some way so outsiders aren't sure of what they are seeing. He possesses the ability to alter the perceptions and memories of other sentient beings, usually used to hide or erase the memory of his presence. He can communicate with anyone he wishes to telepathically; his telepathy is such that his subjects automatically "hear" his voice in their native language. He also possesses telekinetic ability, the limits of which are unknown; he normally only uses his telekinesis to move equipment around his home or in self-defense. He is also able to teleport himself at will to anywhere within 500 light years.
Uatu is immortal and highly durable, being immune to all known and many unknown metabolic hazards, as well as able to shrug off much physical damage with impunity. He does not need to eat, drink, or even breathe, being immune to the rigors of space; he chose the Blue Area of the Moon as his home because he wants the occasional visitor to feel at least slightly comfortable.
Other Abilities: Uatu has a near-perfect recall of events he has witnessed in both this universe and the previous one.
34,510 points
ST: 34 [168*] | HP: 34 [0] | Speed: 7.00 [5] |
DX: 9 [-20] | Will: 20 [10] | Move: 10 [15] |
IQ: 18 [160] | Per: 20 [10] | |
HT: 18 [80] | FP: 18 [0] | SM: +3 |
Dmg: 3d+2/6d | BL: 231 lbs. | |
Dodge: 10 | Parry: 8 | DR: 2,000 (force field) |
Power Parry: 16 |
Languages: Ancient Watcherese (Native) (Native Language) [0].
Cultural Familiarities: Watchers (Native) [0].
Advantages: Affliction (Memory Alteration) 21 (Will-20; Disadvantage: Partial Amnesia, +10%; Malediction (Long-Distance Modifiers) +200%; Power Cosmic 1, +10%) [672]; Chronolocation [5]; Clairsentience (Aware, +50%; Increased Range ×500,000,000, +260%; Projection (Can Use Spells, Mental Abilities, and Maledictions on the Material World), +140%; Second Nature, +70%; Selectivity (Affects Aware, Projection, and Visible), +10%; Visible, 10%; Power Cosmic 1, +10%) [315]; Compartmentalized Mind 3 (Massively Parallel, +20%; Switchable, +10%) [192]; Damage Resistance 2000 (Force Field, +20%; Hardened 5, +100%; Power Cosmic 1, +10%) [23,000]; Doesn't Breathe [20]; Doesn't Eat or Drink [10]; Doesn't Sleep [20]; Empathy [15]; Enhanced Time Sense [45]; ESP Talent 4 [20]; Gizmo 3 [15]; High TL +4 [20]; Hyperspectral Vision (Extended High-Band, +30%; Extended Low-Band, +30%) [40]; Immunity to Metabolic Hazards [30]; Immunity to Psionics [30]; Invisibility (Electromagnetic Spectrum) (Affects Machines, +50%; Extended (All), +100%; Switchable, +10%; Power Cosmic 1, +10%) [108]; Microscopic Vision 10 [50]; Mind Probe (Invasive, +75%; Long-Range 2, +100%; Sensory, +20%; Universal, +50%; Power Cosmic 1, +10%) [71]; Mind Reading (Long Range 2, +100%; Multiple Contacts, +50%; Sensory, +20%; Universal, +50%; Power Cosmic, +10%) [99]; Mind Shield 20 (Always On, -10%; Profiling, +10%; Reflection, +100%; Power Cosmic 1, +10%) [168]; Parabolic Hearing 10 [40]; Penetrating Vision 10 [100]; Photographic Memory [10]; Pressure Support 3 [15]; Psychokinesis Talent 4 [20]; Psychometry (Directed, +50%; Visions, +50%; Power Cosmic 1, +10%) [42]; Regeneration (Extreme: 30 HP/sec) [150]; Regrowth [40]; Sealed [15]; Speak With Animals (Sapience, +40%; Universal, +20%; Power Cosmic, +10%) [49]; Subsonic Speech [10]; Supernatural Durability [150]; Telecommunication (Telesend) (Broadcast, +50%; Long-Range 2, +100%; Sensie, +80%; Universal, +50%; Video, +40%; Power Cosmic 1, +10%) [129]; Telekinesis 30 (Super-Effort, +400%; Power Cosmic 1, +10%; Wildcard Power!, ×4) [3,060]; Telepathy Talent 4 [20]; Temporal Inertia [15]; Ultrasonic Spech [10]; Unaging [15]; Unkillable 3 [150]; Vacuum Support [5]; Vibration Sense [10]; Warp (Blind, +50%; Gyroscopic, +10%; Hyperjump: FTL, -25%; No Strain, +25%; Reliable +10, +50%; Telekinetic Carrying Capacity, +20%; Power Cosmic 1, +10%) [240]; Wealth (Multimillionaire 4) [150]; Xeno-Adaptability [20]; Xeno-Omnilingual [80].
Perks: Eye For Distance [1]; Fearsome Stare [1]; Fourth Wall Powers [1].
Disadvantages: Charitable (12) [-15]; Guilt Complex [-5]; Pacifism (Self-Defense Only) [-15]; Selfless (9) [-7]; Status 0 [-15*]; Vow (No Overt Interference) [-15]; Xenophilia (12) [-10].
Quirks: Attentive [-1]; Enjoys Narrating to an "Audience" [-1]; Nosy [-1].
Skills: Connoisseur (Literature) (A) IQ+0 [2] – 18; Encyclopedist! (WC) IQ+2 [48] – 20; Hidden Lore (Supers) (A) IQ+1 [4] – 19; Market Analysis (H) IQ-2 [1] – 16; Mental Surgery (H) IQ+2 [1] – 20‡; Navigation/TL12 (Hyperspace) (A) IQ+0 [2] – 18; Observation (A) Per+5 [20] – 25; Scholar! (WC) IQ+7 [108] – 25; Stealth (A) DX+5 [4] – 14§; Telekinetic Control (VH) IQ+7 [20] – 25#.
Starting Spending Money: $4,000,000,000 (20% of Starting Wealth).
* Adjusted with Size, -30%. † Includes +3 to Status from Wealth. ‡ Includes +4 from Telepathy Talent. § Defaulted from IQ. # Includes +4 from Psychokinesis Talent.
Uatu believes that, even if the Watchers as a people do exist in the new timeline, his circumstances are such that he is no longer fully bound by the Watchers' Code. He follows the spirit of the Code, though not the letter, mostly out of ingrained habit and a belief that humans (and others) need to figure things out for themselves. He apparently has no problems with interacting with those who are not "cosmic" entities, as he has introduced himself to the Fantastic Four. He has also taken to using his advanced tech to observe events in the entire galaxy and its satellite galaxies, not just Earth.
The Watcher is one of a handful of entities who exhibits what can be called "Fourth-Wall Powers", able to perceive and talk directly to the "readers" or "audience" – extradimensional beings who through various means can view into the Reboot Universe to observe it – often acting as a kind of narrator, though he does not do so when others from his universe are around (unless they, too, possess "Fourth-Wall Powers").