Real Name: Anthony "Tony" Stark.
Occupation: Inventor, industrialist, adventurer.
Identity: Secret.
Legal Status: Citizen of the United States with no criminal record.
Other Aliases: None.
Place of Birth: Long Island, New York.
Marital Status: Single.
Known Relatives: Howard, Sr. (grandfather, deceased); Howard, Jr. (father, deceased); Maria (mother, deceased); Morgan (cousin).
Group Affiliation: Avengers.
Base of Operations: New York City; Silicon Valley, California.
First Post-Reboot Appearance: INVINCIBLE IRON MAN #1.
History: Anthony Stark, only son of industrialist Howard Stark, Jr., discovered his technical prowess at a very young age. A child prodigy, by the age of 21 he had graduated M.I.T. with multiple Masters of Engineering degrees.
During the War on Terrorism, Tony made a deal with his father, Howard Stark, Jr., to enlist in the United States Army for a tour in order to prove that he could handle responsibility. Despite being on the fast-track to becoming an officer due to his education, Tony's own nature ensured he was constantly passed over for the officer training program. During his third year of service, he was assigned to a unit in Afghanistan. While there, he made friends with helicopter pilot Jim Rhodes. Tony told Rhodes that if he ever got tired of the military that he would be more than willing to hire him.
While on patrol in the Afghanistan mountains, Tony's convoy was ambushed and Tony taken prisoner by a group of foreign fighters who called themselves the Ten Rings. During the ambush, however, shrapnel entered Tony's heart; only the efforts of a man named Yinsen, also a captive of the Ten Rings, enabled Tony to survive. While in captivity, the Ten Rings attempted to coerce Tony into building newer advanced weapons for them. Tony first built a miniaturized ARC reactor, based off the design of the larger prototype powering the Stark Industries Los Angeles plant, to power an electromagnet keeping the shrapnel out of his heart. The ARC reactor in his chest, however, was only a stepping stone in his plan; with Yinsen's help, he built a suit of armor – the Iron Man Mk I suit – which was powered off the reactor. Yinsen died buying time for the suit to become fully operational.
Following his escape from captivity and the debriefing by the military and various intelligence agencies concerning his captivity and the means of said escape, he was given a medical discharge. One of the first things he did after getting home was build a more sophisticated ARC to power his heart, and then built a device to replace his damaged heart.
Finding out that his father had died while he was in captivity overseas (Tony's mother had died years before), Tony was determined to keep the family company, Stark Industries, out of his amoral and corrupt cousin Morgan's hands.
Morgan Stark wasn't thrilled to learn that Tony had devised a means of cheating death. Using her underworld contacts, she placed a contract on Tony's life. Tony first learned of this when Stark Industries security personnel apprehended an assassin who had infiltrated the SI electronics plant he was touring. Using the suit he'd devised in Afghanistan as a base, Tony built a more advanced suit of Iron Man armor for his own protection and as a means of tracking down the person responsible for this price on his head. Upon learning that Morgan Stark was responsible, Tony, as Iron Man, was responsible for bringing her to justice. The assassination contracts were quickly removed once Morgan's assets were seized, preventing her from paying.
Publicly, Iron Man is Stark's personal bodyguard. Only Jim Rhodes, who has recently accepted Tony's offer of employment, is aware that Stark and Iron Man are one and the same. While most of his time is spent in California, Iron Man is a founding member of the Avengers, who are based in New York.
Age: 23.
Height: 6' 1".
Weight: 225 lbs.
Eyes: Blue.
Hair: Black.
Uniform: Typically, a metallic red armored torso, metallic red and gold arms and legs, metallic red gloves, metallic red boots, metallic red helmet with metallic gold faceplate. The Mark I armor was mostly a plain gunmetal gray. Some of the variant armors are red and silver, black and silver, gold and silver, or, in the case of the stealth armor, pure black.
Strength Level: Tony Stark possesses the normal human strength of a man his age, height, and build who engages in moderate regular exercise. The Iron Man suit he wears increases his strength to enable him to lift (press) around 70 tons.
Known Superhuman Powers: None.
Other Abilities: Tony Stark is a noted inventor of ultra-tech weaponry and electronics.
Disabilities: Tony Stark's heart has been damaged by shrapnel, and he has a mechanical unit surgically implanted which works off his implanted miniaturized ARC reactor to pump the blood instead of his heart, which has since stopped. He is currently on the waiting list for a suitable transplant.
Weapons: The Iron Man armor worn by Tony Stark possesses three main built-in weapons. The first are what he calls 'repulsors', which are short-range weapons built into the palms of the armor (originally intended as a kind of flight stabilizer for the suits). The second is a chest-mounted "uni-beam" centered around the casing for the ARC reactor in Tony's chest, which acts as a searchlight, oversized repulsor, and particle beam. The third weapon is a special emitter he calls a "pulsar" which fires particle bolts that grow stronger the farther they travel.
Tony has also used a number of other weapons, most notably a number of unguided and guided rockets and a set of needlers that can retract into the suit's shoulders.
Paraphernalia: The Iron Man armor Tony wears is capable of sustaining a tremendous amount of damage, is able to fly through rockets in the boots at speeds up to Mach 2, enables him to see in both the infrared and ultraviolet ranges, has a built-in radar permitting him to track 9 objects at once, and has an internal air supply of 12 hours. The Mark III stealth armor has a coating which absorbs radar waves, and a holographic emitter which enables him to remain hidden warping light around him. The armor can even be controlled via remote-control for short periods of time, usually when Stark and Iron Man have to appear in public together. Tony is constantly updating his armor.
Tony Stark was able to build this in a cave! With a box of scraps!
– Obadiah Stane, Iron Man
2,502 points
ST: 11 [10] | HP: 11 [0] | Speed: 6.00 [0] |
DX: 12 [40] | Will: 12 [-10] | Move: 6 [0] |
IQ: 14 [80] | Per: 12 [-10] | |
HT: 12 [20] | FP: 12 [0] | SM: 0 |
Dmg: 1d-1/1d+1 | BL: 24 lbs. | |
Dodge: 12 | Parry: 11 | DR: 12/4* (concealed vest) |
Attributes: ST ; DX ; IQ ; HT .
Secondary Characteristics: Dmg ; BL lbs.; HP ; Will ; Per ; FP ; Basic Speed ; Basic Move ; Dodge .
Languages: Arabic (Broken/Illiterate) [1]; English (Native) [0].
Cultural Familiarities: Western (Native) [0].
Advantages: Alternate Form (Iron Man Suits, three suits/forms; Difference in Point Cost: 2,023) (Gadget/Breakable: DR 26+, +0%; Gadget/Breakable: Complex Machine, -5%; Gadget/Can Be Stolen: Forcefully Removed, -10%; Once On, Stays On, +50%; Preventable, -10%) [2,080]; Appearance (Handsome) [12]; Artificer 4 [40]; Combat Reflexes [15]; Enhanced Dodge 2 [30]; Gadgeteer [25]; High TL +2 [10]; Independent Income 20 [20]; Merchant Rank 7 [35]; Security Clearance ("Need to Know" for a Narrow Range) [5]; Status 6 [10*]; Wealth (Multimillionaire 1) [75].
Perks: Alcohol Tolerance [1]; Off-Screen Reload [1].
Disadvantages: Alcoholism [-15]; Code of Honor (Gentleman's) [-10]; Compulsive Carousing (9) [-7]; Compulsive Spending (12) [-5]; Electrical [-20]; Enemy (Morgan Stark, cousin) (Less Powerful; Hunter) (9) [-5]; Intolerance (Muslims) [-5]; Lecherousness (6) [-30]; Pacifism (Cannot Harm Innocents) [-10]; Secret Identity (Utter Rejection) [-10]; Workaholic [-5]; Wounded [-5].
Quirks: Attentive [-1]; Nervous Stomach [-1]; Proud [-1].
Skills: Administration (A) IQ [2] – 14; Aerobatics (H) DX+3 [12] – 14; Battlesuit/TL10 (A) DX+8 [32] – 20; Brawling (E) DX+2 [4] – 14; Carousing (E) HT+0 [1] – 12; Connoisseur (Wine) (A) IQ [2] – 14; Current Events/TL8 (High Culture) (E) IQ+1 [2] – 15; Current Events/TL8 (Science & Technology) (E) IQ+1 [2] – 15; Driving/TL8 (Tracked) (A) DX-1 [1] – 11; Electronics Operation/TL10 (Electronic Warfare) (A) IQ [2] – 14; Electronics Operation/TL10 (Security) (A) IQ [2] – 14; Guns/TL8 (Rifle) (E) DX [1] – 12; Heraldry (Business Logos) (E) IQ+1 [2] – 15; Hiking (A) HT [2] – 10; Innate Attack (Beams) (E) DX+3 [8] – 15; Inventor! (WC) IQ+2 [48] – 16†; Mathematics/TL10 (Applied) (H) IQ [4] – 14; Navigation/TL8 (Land) (A) IQ [2] – 14; Piloting/TL8 (Light Airplane) (A) DX [2] – 12; Rapier Sport (A) DX [2] – 12; Savoir-Faire (High Society) (E) IQ+1 [2] – 15; Savoir-Faire (Military) (E) IQ+0 [1] – 14; Soldier/TL8 (A) IQ-1 [1] – 13; Survival (Desert) (A) Per [2] – 12; Wrestling (A) DX+1 [4] – 13.
Starting Spending Money: $4,000,000 (20% Starting Wealth).
* Includes +2 from Wealth and +2 from Merchant Rank..
† Conditional +4 from Artificer when substituting for skills covered by the talent.
Robert Downey, Jr., nailed the role perfectly, IMO, giving a perfect mix of arrogance, self-righteousness, and casual debauchery alongside "textbook narcissism".
The Mark I suit was built while Tony was being held prisoner in Afghanistan.
The suit itself is crude, made from steel and aluminum with only the most basic of operating systems, lacking the full helmet HUD and full flight capabilities of the later models. Even its offensive abilities are crude, consisting of a pair of flamethrowers built into its arms and a single rocket launcher lacking a guidance system. It was designed for protection during an escape, not prolonged combat, reflected in its inability to move at more than a fast walk and its ability to absorb damage from a .50BMG machine gun. While it has rudimentary flight capability, the suit lacks stabilizers and has a limited fuel supply, pretty much ensuring that it does not fly in anything other than a ballistic arc.
While the original Mark I was abandoned by Tony not long after his escape, he could conceivably repair it or build another to the same specifications at any time.
612 points
Attribute Adjustments: ST +45 (Size, -10%) [405].
Secondary Characteristic Adjustments: SM +1; Basic Move -3 [-15].
Advantages: Burning Attack 3d (Blockable, -5%; Jet, +0%; Jet: Increased Range (×7), +60%; Rapid Fire (RoF 2), +40%; Elemental: Heat/Fire, -10%) [28]; Damage Resistance 35 (Semi-Ablative, -20%) [140]; Damage Resistance 15 (Torso Only, -10%) [68]; Enhanced Move (Air) 1 (All-Out, -20%; Handling Penalty -5, -25%) [11]; Flight (Cannot Hover, -15%; Maximum Duration: 10 Minutes, -50%) [14].
Perks: Accessory: Single 25mm Rocket [1]; Illumination [1].
Disadvantages: Hard of Hearing [-10]; Maintenance (Armoury (Battlesuits) or Mechanic (Robotics)) (2 People; Weekly) [-10]; Noisy -3 [-6]; Restricted Vision (No Peripheral Vision) [-15].
Features: Powered off Mini-ARC Reactor [0].
The Mark II suit was built after Tony returned home following his captivity. Tony is constantly altering the suit's capabilities, primarily in the suit's offensive weaponry.
The Mark II was designed to be able to go toe to toe in combat with some of the strongest folks in the world; however, the chances of it being able to sustain itself in a one-on-one fight against the Hulk or the Juggernaut are slim.
1,955 points
Advantages: Burning Attack (Chest RT) 8d (Armor Divisor (5), +150%; Damage Modifier: Surge, +20%; Increased 1/2D Range (×2), +5%; Variable, +5%) [112]; Burning Attack (Pulsars) 6d (Accessibility: Full Power Only For Last 25% of Max Range, -15%; Armor Divisor (5), +150%; Damage Modifier: Surge, +20%; Increased 1/2D Range (×10), +15%; Increased Range (×2), +10%; Rapid Fire, RoF 2×3. +70%; Variable, +5%) [107]; Crushing Attack (Chest RT) 12d (Damage Modifier: Double Knockback, +20%; Increased 1/2D Range (×2), +5%; Increased Range (×2), +10%; Variable, +5%; Alternative Attack, ×1/5) [17]; Crushing Attack (Repulsors) 4d (Damage Modifier: Double Knockback, +20%; Increased 1/2D Range (×5), +10%; Rapid Fire, RoF 2, +40%; Reduced Range (×1/2), -10%; Variable, +5%; Alternative Attack, ×1/5) [7]; Damage Resistance 120 [600]; Damage Resistance 30 (Torso Only, -10%) [135]; Enhanced Move (Air) 6 [120]; Enhanced Tracking 8 [40]; Extra Arms 2 (Weapon Mount, -80%) [4]; Flight (Space Flight, +50%) [60]; Infravision [10]; Injury Tolerance (Damage Reduction (/10)) [150]; Radar (Extended Arc: 360°, +125%; Multi-Mode, +50%; Targeting, +20%) [59]; Sealed [15]; Super ST +13/+300 [520]; Telecommunications (Radio) (Secure, +20%; Video, +40%) [16]; Ultravision [10]; Vacuum Support [5].
Perks: Accessory (Forearm 25mm Rocket) [1]; Accessory (HUD Interface) [1]; Illumination [1].
Disadvantages: Electrical [-20]; Maintenance (Armoury (Battlesuits) or Mechanic (Robotics); 2 People; Weekly) [-10]; No Sense of Smell/Taste [-5].
Features: Powered off Mini-ARC Reactor [0].
The Mark III Iron Man armor is affectionately referred to him as his Stealth Armor. It possesses all the capabilities of the Mark II, and includes stealth features including a radar-absorbing coating and retro-reflective scales in the skin of the suit which render it invisible to the naked eye, and infrared and ultraviolet scanners.
2,023 points
Advantages: Burning Attack (Chest RT) 8d (Armor Divisor (5), +150%; Damage Modifier: Surge, +20%; Increased 1/2D Range (×2), +5%; Variable, +5%) [112]; Burning Attack (Pulsars) 6d (Accessibility: Full Power Only For Last 25% of Max Range, -15%; Armor Divisor (5), +150%; Damage Modifier: Surge, +20%; Increased 1/2D Range (×10), +15%; Increased Range (×2), +10%; Rapid Fire, RoF 2×3. +70%; Variable, +5%) [107]; Crushing Attack (Chest RT) 12d (Damage Modifier: Double Knockback, +20%; Increased 1/2D Range (×2), +5%; Increased Range (×2), +10%; Variable, +5%; Alternative Attack, ×1/5) [17]; Crushing Attack (Repulsors) 4d (Damage Modifier: Double Knockback, +20%; Increased 1/2D Range (×5), +10%; Rapid Fire, RoF 2, +40%; Reduced Range (×1/2), -10%; Variable, +5%; Alternative Attack, ×1/5) [7]; Damage Resistance 120 [600]; Damage Resistance 30 (Torso Only, -10%) [135]; Enhanced Move (Air) 6 [120]; Enhanced Tracking 8 [40]; Extra Arms 2 (Weapon Mount, -80%) [4]; Flight (Space Flight, +50%) [60]; Infravision [10]; Injury Tolerance (Damage Reduction (/10)) [150]; Invisibility (Electromagnetic) (Affects Machines, +50%; Switchable, +10%) [64]; Radar (Extended Arc: 360°, +125%; Multi-Mode, +50%; Targeting, +20%) [59]; Sealed [15]; Super ST +13/+300 [520]; Telecommunications (Radio) (Secure, +20%; Video, +40%) [16]; Ultravision [10]; Vacuum Support [5].
Perks: Accessory (Forearm 25mm Rocket) [1]; Accessory (HUD Interface) [1]; Illumination [1].
Disadvantages: Electrical [-20]; Maintenance (Armoury (Battlesuits) or Mechanic (Robotics); 2 People; Weekly) [-10]; No Sense of Smell/Taste [-5].
Features: Powered off Mini-ARC Reactor [0].
1. I haven't yet statted up the Mark IV Hulkbuster armor. Not sure it's going to be produced during Year One, though.