Maggia Villain Team

The Maggia is a nationwide criminal syndicate which has its roots in Southern European nobility. It is not a monolithic organization, instead being divided up into several "families", each of which controls the crime in a a given metro area. In the past, several Maggia families have attempted to control crime in the same region, which has led to gang wars between the families involved.

At present, the Maggia families who are known to have come into conflict with superhuman adventurers and crimefighters consist of:

The Hammerhead Family: A very conservative faction operating out of the New York City metro area, the Hammerhead family is run by a man who takes his name after the unnatural shape of his head, a product of unethical surgery. A former gunman for the Maggia when his family was known as the Romero family, Hammerhead worked his way up the ranks through ruthlessness and shrewd business sense. The Hammerhead family engages mainly in the drug and weapons trade, prostitution, gambling, and extortion rackets. The family does not care for superhumans, and in fact has worked with the authorities (including police not on their payroll) against supers who have edged into organized crime. At present, the Hammerhead family has a truce with the Kingpin of Crime and the Harlem crime lord Cornell Sykes to divide up the crime in the city.

The Manfredi Family: Also known as the Silvermane family, the Manfredi family controls almost all crime in the Chicago metro area. Their leader, Silvio Manfredi, long known as Silvermane due to his premature gray hair (he went gray in his 20s), has been in charge of the family for the past fifty years. The Manfredi family is said to be the successor to the Capone family of the Prohibition era, and engages in the same traditional activities as the Hammerhead family. Silvermane's recent conversion into a cyborg has ensured the family will remain under his control for some time. The Manfredi family has come into recent conflict with Iron Fist and his allies, as well as against Ant-Man and the Wasp; most of the time, however, the Manfredis are in conflict with the Leonine family of the Zodiac Cartel. In addition, Silvermane's granddaughter, Sable, has begun to gather support to take down Silvermane.

The Nefaria Family: Operating out of Los Angeles, the Nefaria family is run by Count Lucino Nefaria. Unlike the other families, the Nefaria family wholeheartedly embraces advanced technology and superhuman operatives, often hired and led by the Count's daughter, Whitney Frost. The Nefaria family has come into conflict with both Iron Man and Spider-Woman.

The Carracus Family: Known to operate in the Miami, Florida, area, the Carracus family is also known as the Jaguar family, after the assumed alias of their leader, Esteban Carracus. They engage in drug and gun smuggling, prostitution, and gambling, as well as the occasional human trafficking, but have been hailed by the city's Puerto Rican, Cuban, Haitian, and Dominican populations as protectors, as the Jaguar family often steps in to protect these neighborhoods from other cartels without asking for protection money in return.

There are likely other Maggia families in other larger American cities, but they have yet to be depicted. The Maggia's primary rival opposition in most of their cities is the Zodiac Cartel; in fact, when the Zodiac erected a force field around Manhattan, the various Maggia families called a truce with and assisted the superhuman community to oppose the Zodiac.

Game Mechanical Details:

Each family has an informal internal rank structure, with Organized Crime Rank being priced at 2 points per level; the heads of each family have Organized Crime Rank 5.

Design Notes:

1. As the name and write-up implies, the Maggia is Marvel's version of the Mafia. Because they were introduced at the height of the Silver Age, when the Comics Code was in full force, Marvel was forbidden – basically by law – from calling them "Mafia". Relaxations of the Code have resulted in the Yakuza, Triads, and Bratva (Japanese, Chinese, and Russian syndicates) being used with no problems, but the Maggia has never (to my knowledge) been referred to as the Mafia. In the Reboot, in recognition of the Maggia's long history, I've kept them the Maggia rather than making them Mafia.