Blood Ties
A Love Story. Ten years ago, Michael Jocasta was turned into a vampire. His lover, Keili Nephthys, persuaded him to let her join him in his curse. That was his first mistake....
This was written several years ago, long before the Sookie Stockhouse, Twilight, and other teen supernatural romance novels and movies became popular, and while written at the height of Buffy-mania, was written without any Buffy influence (except maybe the original movie in places). While the protagonist is indeed a "tortured" vampire, he is the exception; Blood Ties' vampires are for people who want to howl at the moon.
The Blood Ties title is labeled ACRAPHOBE, a term used on RACC to indicate it is suitable for a Mature Audience Only. (No one is sure how the term came into being; perhaps, like Suicide Squid, it is a typo with a life of its own.)
All stories written by Ted Brock; all but #5 and #6 ghost co-written with Paul DeSanto.
- #1: Honeymoon
- Introducing series protagonist Michael Jocasta and antagonist Keili Nephthys. Set in the Adirondack State Park in upstate New York, on the Fulton Chain of Lakes, Keili is terrorizing vacationers. One newlywed couple, Richard and Samantha Douglas, ignore the warnings by the locals, to their peril.
- #2: Blood Hunt
- Michael and Richard are joined by a man known as Hunter to try and save Samantha from Keili's band of vampires in the Adirondacks. Keili, meanwhile, has a deadly surprise for them.
- #3: Reluctance
- Having tracked Keili and new vampire Samantha to Ithaca, New York, Michael attempts to save a pair of graduating co-eds from Cornell University, Donna and Amber, who fall into their clutches.
- #4: Sunday, Bloody Sunday
- Donna and her newly-turned vampire roommate, Amber, attempt to take on Keili's nest of vampires by themselves. Fortunately for them, Michael Jocasta is there to save them - but will he succeed?
- #5: In The Beginning
- Prelude to Family Ties, the crossover with Swamp Patrol.
- Preparing for his final showdown with Keili, Michael Jocasta thinks back on the events of ten years prior when he first became a vampire, and passed his curse to his girlfriend, Keili Nephthys. Little did he know the horror he was unleashing.
- #6: The Darkness Before The Dawn
- Family Ties Part 1.
- Keili's sister, Sara, also a vampire, finds herself at philosophical odds with Kei, fearing for her sister's sanity. The fear intensifies when they move into an abandoned Bethlehem Steel plant in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, and Sara discovers Brilliance Fontaine of the Swamp Patrol at a local university party, who had his own run-in with vampires in Fresno several years back.
- #7: Full Circle
- Family Ties Part 3
- In this series finale, co-starring the cast of Swamp Patrol, Brill's vampire kid sister, Miranda, is unleashed by Keili, leaving a trail of carnage and chaos cartwheeling behind her. Michael must team with the Swamp Patrol and Keili's sister, Sara, to stop her before there the Fresno Massacre repeats itself.