StarFall Comics


#5: Curiosity and the Cat

Maxwell Tower looked like a masterpiece of metal, stone and glass. Through some research at the hall of records and some discrete phone calls, Trespass found out that Trevor Maxwell was swimming in both old and new money.

He was the head of Galaxy Unlimited, an umbrella corporation that was involved in everything from to clock radios to software to custom cars for the wealthy. It also had a number of lucrative defense contracts.

Discovering that, Trespass was instantly weary of Galaxy Unlimited. It wasn't that she didn't trust the government. She just didn't trust everyone in the government.

From across the street and in the middle of the day, Maxwell Tower looked innocent enough, but she knew looks were often deceiving.

Trespass was "dressed" as a middle aged business woman wearing a conservative business suit and carrying a briefcase. She knew this disguise was inconspicious enough to allow her free access to any part of the building. And if anyone did stop her, a quick mental suggestion would allow her to pass.

Before stepping from the curb, she did a light scan of everyone in the building. Everybody was completely happy. Trespass became even more weary. In her experience with big corporations, no one was content with their position. There was something that they wanted; a promotion, a raise, a vacation, a sexy secretary. There was always something.

The light changed and she followed the foot traffic into the lobby. No one stopped her. If fact, she didn't see a security guard anywhere. She rode the elevator up, carefully watching the people around her. With a slightly deeper mental scan, Trespass learned that every one was what he or she seemed: a loyal employee of Galaxy Unlimited.

She stepped off the elevator three floors from the top. She smiled and waved as she walked the halls, scanning everyone within range. Trespass made a loop of the floor and walked past the elevators to the stairs.

She ran, taking the steps in twos and threes. She was getting a bad feeling about the employees. Their thoughts seemed natural on the surface, but a deeper scan showed that the thoughts were artificial.

Trespass stopped by the door to the fortieth floor and listened with both her enhanced hearing and her telepathy. She heard no brain activity nearby and no noises. She stepped through the door.

Trespass never saw the stun beam that splashed across her body until she slid to the floor and look up above the door frame.

She heard very soft steps coming down the hallway and heard a man's voice say, "I was told you'd be by sooner or later."

Trespass tried to attack, but her body wouldn't respond. Her vision started fading and her consciousness soon followed.

Trevor Maxwell sat behind an expensive desk, looking out the huge picture window. "She tracked us through the Coogan situation?"

"I'm afraid so." The only man that ever saw Trevor Maxwell said. He was tall, almost seven feet tall and four hundred and twenty pound of chemically enhanced muscles. He was bald with a red goatee.

"If she did it, others could as well." Trevor puffed of the cigar. "Dispose of her and burn down the Coogan house. And make sure anything with my name of it is destroyed."

The man known as Nemesis bowed and spun on a heel. Nemesis enjoyed his work and that wasn't the neural manipulator that affected all of the employees of Galaxy Unlimited. There wasn't another job out there that paid what he was getting or that condoned the taking of experimental steroids or the special elective surgeries that he subjected himself to.

He took the elevator down to the third sub-basement. He walked past the secret laboratories to the holding cell. After having his both retinas and all his fingertips scanned, the heavy door opened with a hiss of hydraulic pressure.

Trespass was bound to a metal table. Her body was shifting from one disguise to another, uncontrollably.

"My, my, I do love a bound woman." Nemesis said. "I see the nerve toxins we developed for you are working better than excepted. I've read everything about you, it wasn't much, but it was very detailed. Some call you a natural fighter."

"You . . . beat me . . . but I'll come back . . . stronger."

"Oh, I don't think you'll be coming back from where I'm sending you, sweetheart. I've been giving the green light to snuff your meddling ass." He removed his jacket and then his shirt. He donned a pair of steel knuckles.

"I could take my time and make this last days, but since I'm in a rush, I'll just beat you to death. I can't wait to hear your scream for mercy."

Trespass smiled as best she could and said, "Fuck you!"

He smiled back and went to work.

Twenty minutes later, Nemesis emerged from the reenforced, sound proof room, carrying Trespass under one arm. His face and chest, not to mention his fists, were covered in her blood. He breathed deeply and savored the smell. Not the smell of blood, he's smelled that before, no it was the smell of victory. He did what many said was next to impossible.

He killed Trespass.

He walked to the elevator, calmly pushed the call button and waited. The elevator opened and he stepped inside, not caring about the blood.

From the observation deck of Maxwell Tower, he stepped to the ledge, then grabbed her by an arm and leg. He spun several times before releasing her into the late night air.

He walked away without seeing that he threw Trespass' limp body almost eight blocks.