StarFall Comics


#3: Bad Blood

The bellhop scratched at his collar nervously. No one else in the crowded elevator seemed to care as he tried to keep from staring at the blonde beauty at the rear of the car. Other men were trying to do the same, but most were failing so badly that there wives or girlfriends took notice and gave them a dirty look.

The elevator stopped on the thirtieth floor and everyone exited except for the bellhop and the blonde.

As the doors shut, the bellhop asked, "New in town?"

The blonde ignored him.

"Not me. I was born and raised here. And I'll probably die here as well, but that's okay, Oasis is such a nice town. Who would want to die anyplace else. Am I right?"

The blonde didn't answer.

"You in town on vacation?"

No answer.

The elevator stopped at the fortieth floor and the blonde left the bellhop alone for the long ride down. He watched her until the doors shut, then he began to change.

His whole body seemed to merge and reform into an all black skin tight outfit. His face turned black and appeared to grow a full mask. His hair went from brown to black as it grew to shoulder length.

The fictional male bellhop now was the female vigilante named Trespass.

She hit the stop button and popped the emergency exit in the ceiling of the elevator. She climbed up through and started shimming up the cables.

Finding Swarm had been relatively easy. Swarm was a telepath herself and could do a decent job of shielding her thoughts, but Trespass knew tricks around that.

All Trespass had to do was find a "hole" in the city's thought traffic. That "hole" was Swarm's shielded mind. Trespass followed it to the Crystal Plaza, but couldn't narrow it down any closer than that. She spent three days and a dozen disguises searching for Swarm.

She stopped climbing at the fortieth floor and jumped from the cables to the small ledge under the doors. She reached up and pried them open. She crawled out and looked in the direction the blonde headed and traced the route by the expense perfume that she had been wearing.

For Trespass, it was easer than following a dead skunk.

She stopped outside the door marked the Kennedy Suite. Trespass leaned closer, making sure not to get to close to the peep hole. She heard two mumbled voices. Telepathy would've been a nice weapon in a instance like this, but since Swarm was a telepath, Trespass would be sending up a flare as soon as she tried anything close to a telepathic assault.

That was okay by Trespass, she had a whole arsenal of weapons to use.

She lightly scratched at the door and heard the mumbling voices go quite. She scratched again and counted to five. She hoped that the thugs inside the door had more muscles than brains and would investigate by the time she reached five.

She charged, head long, through the door. Once inside, she heard a grunt and a curse. A series of punches silenced the second thug.

Trespass looked in time to see Swarm skid to a halt.

Swarm wore a bright red and yellow battle suit with a red domino mask covering her eyes. She had her long blonde hair pulled back in a pony tail.

"Damn." Swarm said.

Trespass charged with her fingers growing into long and sharp claws. She tackled Swarm, her claws going for the throat. The landed in a tangle, rolling around the room.

This wasn't going to be fought with martial arts or even fisticuffs. This was an old fashioned, back street, winner take all catfight.

Or so Trespass thought.

Swarm broke a golden rule when she used her duplication powers. The duplicates attacked Trespass with fists and boot heels.

Trespass ignored them. All she did was push them away with her telekinesis. Once Swarm was unconscious or dead, they'd fade away.

Swarm bucked Trespass off of her and headed for the balcony. Trespass was even more dangerous than she remembered. Maybe this was a mistake, she thought.

Trespass was circled by duplicates. She realized they were stalling, giving Swarm a chance to catch her breath. Trespass didn't like that idea.

They were all standing on a huge rug that probably was expensive. Trespass didn't really care as she grabbed the corners with her telekinesis and brought them up like a net. At the last instant before it was completely closed, Trespass jumped up through the top, doing a back flip in mid air and landing beside the makeshift net.

Then she grabbed the whole bundle with her TK and threw it out the balcony doors, nearly taking Swarm with it.

Swarm saw it all. She ducked, then stood and watched the rug with her duplicates inside plunge to the back lawn of the Plaza. She turned back and saw Trespass' black fist coming fast.

There was a loud crack.

Swarm did a half turn and dropped to her knees, then she tasted blood.

"It's over, you bitch." Trespass snarled.

Swarm understood Trespass' statement. When Trespass hit her, her mental defenses wavered just for a instant. That instant was all Trespass needed to invade her mind and place blocks around the part of her mind that controlled her powers.

Trespass had effectively de-powered her with a single thought.

Swarm looked up and saw that Trespass was waiting.

"Alright . . . I give up." Swarm said.

"Why'd you come after me? What happened to live and let live?"

Swarm was silent a long time before she said, "Terry left me. He said once you slept with a shape-shifter, regular woman loose their appeal."

Trespass said, "So by killing me, you eliminated the reason that bastard left you."

"It sounded like a good idea at the time."

"How about now?"

"Not really."

"Good." Trespass said as she leapt onto the stone railing. "Now, get out of my town."

Swarm looked over the railing and saw Trespass land without injury, then sprint into the woods at the far end of the great lawn. She sat there a long while, wiping her bloodied nose on her sleeve. She vowed next time she won't surrender easily. Her benefactor wasn't going to like this one bit.