Namorita Hero

Real Name: Unrevealed (it is possible that her real name is either "Namorita" or her apparent legal name of "Nita Prentiss").
Occupation: High school student.
Identity: Publicly known.
Legal Status: Citizen of the United States with no known criminal record, still a minor. Status in Atlantis unrevealed.
Other Aliases: Nita Prentiss, "the younger Avenging Daughter".
Place of Birth: Unrevealed.
Marital Status: Single.
Known Relatives: None; she is believed to be somehow related to Namor and Namora or to Namor's World War Two girlfriend Betty Dean, although the exact relationships if any remain unclear.
Group Affiliation: Xavier Institute student body; allegedly a member of the Atlantean Royal Family; frequent partner of Nova.
Base of Operations: Xavier Institute for Gifted Youngsters, Salem Center, New York; lives in New York City, New York, and operates in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on a regular basis.
First Post-Reboot Appearance: UNCANNY X-MEN ANNUAL #1.
History: Nothing is known about the early life of Nita Prentiss. She has alluded to being related to the Atlantean Royal Family, although neither Namor nor Namora have claimed parentage as yet. What is known is that she was raised on land by the Prentiss family, family friends of Namor's from his World War Two and post-War adventuring, although her ears, ankle-wings, and amphibious nature were never kept secret. She was twelve when the Xavier Institute opened as a school for mutants; although not technically a mutant, she was swiftly enrolled, becoming the youngest of the original class.

Nita was among the small army of Institute students assembled by Scott Summers to rescue his younger brother Alex from the Living Pharaoh; this was the first recorded instance of her using the name "Namorita".

More recently, Nita was among those students who volunteered to protect the Institute against the raging Juggernaut, who had come to the Institute seeking to destroy his step-brother, the Institute's founder and headmaster, Charles Xavier.

Later, while on a class field trip to the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia, PA, Nita ended up in a temporary partnership with one of Philly's hometown superheroes, the man called Nova (the two happen to be roughly the same age), during one of Nova's many fights against the criminal Diamondhead. The two proved to have a lot in common, and have since begun a romantic relationship, though the distance between their schools complicates matters.
Age: 16.
Height: 5' 6".
Weight: 160 lbs.
Eyes: Green.
Hair: Black.
Other Distinguishing Features: Namorita possesses pointed ears and small wings on her ankles.
Uniform: As a student of the Xavier Institute, she trains while wearing the black bodysuit with red and black circle-X shoulder pads, yellow boots, and yellow belt with a rectangular red buckle styled with a black X that are standard issue to students.. When operating away from the Institute, she wears several different styles of green swimsuits.
Strength Level: Namorita possesses superhuman strength enabling her to lift (press) roughly 25 tons on land under optimum conditions. Her strength wanes the longer she is out of water and/or subjected to intense heat, although submerging her in water (or attacking her with it) will restore her strength almost immediately.
Known Superhuman Powers: In addition to her superhuman strength, Namorita possesses abilities typical of an Atlantean hybrid. She is able to breathe both air and water, transitioning effortlessly between the two mediums, can see in near darkness, and withstand the intense pressures and chilling cold of the murky depths of the ocean floor. She can swim at incredible speeds, having been clocked swimming at 147 knots (roughly 170 mph or 273 km/h). Because of her enhanced musculature, she is able to run at speeds approaching 40 miles per hour.

In addition, Namorita possesses a few abilities very similar to those of Namor's. She is highly resistant to physical injury far above those of the average Atlantean, proving invulnerable to most conventional military firearms. She also heals faster than a normal human or Atlantean; like her strength, her healing ability wanes the longer she is out of water.

Like her elder namesake, Namorita possesses small vestigial wings on her ankles much the same as those sported by Namor; like Namor, these wings enable her her fly in some as yet unknown manner. These wings more closely resemble fins rather than the wings found on birds. It is very likely her flight is not dependent on the ankle-wings, but the ankle-wings serve more for steering while in flight. Like Namor, she can fly at speeds up to 60 mph.

Nita is able to absorb electricity and channel it back to its source. While this has been described as being similar to the ability of an electric eel, she cannot generate electricity the way the eel can.

Namorita: Suffering shad!

Nova: "Suffering shad"?

Namorita: Sorry, old habit.
– New Warriors v1 #1

1,421 points

ST: 31/177 [0*] HP: 31 [0] Speed: 7.00 [5]
DX: 13 [60] Will: 13 [10] Ground Move: 7/21 [0]
IQ: 11 [20] Per: 12 [5] Air Move: 15/30 [2]
HT: 14 [20†] FP: 14 [0] Water Move: 7/84 [0]
  SM: 0
Dmg: 3d+1/6d-1 (18d/20d) BL: 192 lbs. (6,266 lbs/3.1 tons)
Dodge: 10 Parry: 10 DR: 30* (tough skin) + 20* (vs electric only)
IT:DR: /10  

Languages: Atlantean (Accented) [4]; English (Native) (Native Language) [0].

Cultural Familiarities: Western (Native) [0].

Advantages: Appearance (Beautiful) [12]; Atlantean Half-Breed [144]; Damage Resistance 30 (No Signature, +20%; Tough Skin, -40%; Passive Biological, -5%) [113]; Damage Resistance 20 (Limited Defense (Electricity), -40%; No Signature, +20%; Reflection, +100%; Tough Skin, -40%; Passive Biological, -5%) [135]; Enhanced Move (Air) 1 (Move 30/60 mph; Passive Biological, -5%) [19]; Enhanced Move (Ground) 1.5 (Move 21/42 mph; Passive Biological, -5%) [29]; Enhanced Move (Water) 3.5 (Water Move 84/168 mph; Passive Biological, -5%) [67]; Enhanced ST +7 (Accessibility: Only When Using Super ST, -10%; Passive Biological, -5%) [48]; Flight (Super, -10%) [36]; Hard to Subdue 3 [6]; High Pain Threshold [10]; Injury Tolerance (Damage Reduction /10) (Passive Biological, -5%) [142]; No Low TL +7 [35]; Regeneration (Regular: 3 HP/Hr) (Accessibility: Reduced levels when subjected to intense heat/dehydration, -20%; Passive Biological, -5%) [19]; Super ST +11/+150 (Accessibility: Reduced levels when subjected to intense heat/dehydration, -20%; Passive Biological, -5%) [413]; Very Fit [15]; Wealth (Comfortable) [10].

Disadvantages: Code of Honor (Hero's) [-10]; Impulsiveness (12) [-10]; Overconfidence (12) [-5]; Pacifism (Cannot Harm Innocents) [-10]; Social Stigma (Minor) [-5]; Vulnerability to Heat/Dehydration Attacks (×3) (Fatigue Only, -50%) [-15].

Quirks: Distinctive Feature (Pointed Ears) [-1]; Expression ("Suffering shad!") [-1]; Hero Worship (Namor) [-1]; Idealistic [-1]; Responsible [-1].

Skills: Aerobatics (H) DX+1 [8] – 14; Animal Handling (Cetaceans) (A) IQ+1 [4] – 12; Aquabatics (H) DX+1 [8] – 14; Biology/TL8 (Earthlike) (VH) IQ-1 [4] – 10; Carousing (E) HT+0 [1] – 14; Computer Operation/TL8 (E) IQ+1 [2] – 12; Current Affairs/TL8 (Politics) (E) IQ+0 [1] – 11; Current Affairs/TL8 (Science & Technology) (E) IQ+0 [1] – 11; Escape (H) DX+0 [4] – 13; Expert Skill (Oceanography) (H) IQ-1 [2] – 10; First Aid/TL8 (Human) (E) IQ+1 [2] – 12; Flight (A) HT+0 [2] – 14; Geology/TL8 (H) IQ-1 [2] – 10; Hiking (A) HT+0 [2] – 14; Intimidation (A) Will+0 [2] – 13; Judo (H) DX+1 [8] – 14; Karate (H) DX+1 [8] – 14; Law (International Environmental) (H) IQ-1 [2] – 10; Lifting (A) HT+0 [2] – 14; Meteorology/TL8 (A) IQ+0 [2] – 11; Mind Block (A) Will+1 [4] – 14; Naturalist (Earth's Oceans) (H) IQ+0 [4] – 11; Navigation/TL8 (Sea) (A) IQ+0 [2] – 11; Observation (A) Per+0 [2] – 12; Running (A) HT+0 [2] – 14; Savoir-Faire (High Society) (E) IQ+1 [2] – 12; Stealth (A) DX+0 [2] – 13; Survival (Open Ocean) (A) Per+0 [2] – 12; Swimming (E) HT+0 [1] – 14; Throwing (A) DX+1 [4] – 14; Wrestling (A) DX+1 [4] – 14.

Techniques: Lifesaving (Swimming) (H) def+5 [6] – 14.

Starting Spending Money: $8,000 (20% of Starting Wealth).

* Includes +10 from the Atlantean Half-Breed racial package, +11/+150 from Super ST, and +7 from Enhanced ST.

† Includes +2 from the Atlantean Half-Breen racial package.

Role-Playing Notes:

Nita is a socially and environmentally conscious young woman who is well aware she doesn't really fit into either American or Atlantean society. Because she was raised American, she doesn't always "get" Atlantean customs even when she tries to emulate them. She is constantly asking herself "what would Namor do?", even though half the time the answer seems to be "punch someone." Despite all this, the tries hard to be the responsible one.

TL Weapon Damage Reach Parry Cost Weight ST Notes
Karate Punch 3d+6 cr C 10 31
– Super ST 18d+35 cr C 10 177
Karate Kick 3d+7 cr C, 1 n/a 31
– Super ST 18d+36 cr C, 1 n/a 177

Design Notes:

1. I have deliberately kept her relationship with Namor and Namora vague because I'm not entirely sure how to work her into their timeline as yet. In the comics, Nita began as Namora's daughter and was later revealed to be a clone she carried to term – the same arc which revealed her status as a clone also indicated that Namor and Namora were sterile due to their hybrid nature – and then raised first in Lemuria then by Namor's WWII human lover, police secretary Betty Dean Prentiss. My current headcanon for Nita pulls an idea from X-23's origin, that of a gender-bent clone, although raised by the Prentiss family. As Namor has had children in the mainstream universe – a son named Kamar by an unnamed lady of the court, and three unnamed children by the alien Marrina (all four later killed) – he is obviously not sterile. Nita, since she shares Namor's ankle-wings (something I left off Namora in the Reboot) is probably more closely related to him than her.

2. I will be redoing Namor at some point to bring him in line with other current builds.