Gaea Supernatural

Real Name: Unrevealed (possibly inapplicable); "Gaea" is the name given to her by the ancient Greeks.
Occupation: Goddess of the Earth.
Identity: Gaea's existence as anything other than a mythological figure is unknown to the general public. However, she is still worshipped by cultures around the globe.
Legal Status: None.
Other Aliases: Gaia (another spelling of her Greek name), Ki, Ninhursag (Sumerian names), Antu (Akkadian/Babylonian name), Hòutǔ, Hòutǔshén, Hòutǔ Niángniáng, Dimǔ, Dimǔ Niángniáng (Chinese names), Leimarel Sidabi, Leimalel Sitapi (Meitei names), Cybele (Anatolian name), Magna Mater, Terra Mater, Tellus Mater, Tellus, Terra (Roman names), Danu, Anu, Dana (Celtic names), Amalur (Basque name), Mat Zemlya, Matka Ziemia, Matushka Zeml'ja, Mati Syra Zemlya, Mokosh (Slavic names), Pachamama (Inca name), Prithvi, Prithvi Mata (Hindu names), Žemyna (Lithuanian name), Jörð, Jord, Fjörgyn (Norse names), Kokyangwuti (Hopi name), Na'ashjé'ii Asdzáá (Navajo name), Sussistanako (Pueblo name), Coatlicue, Tlaltecuhtli (Aztec names), Ixchel (Mayan name), Nokomis (Ojibwe name), Papatūānuku (Maori name), Māra (Latvian name), Dʰéǵʰōm (reconstructed Proto-Indo-European name), "Queen of the Earth", "Goddess Queen of the Earth", "Earth Queen Lady", "Mother Earth", "Lady Mother Earth", "Great Mother", "Vast One" (various translations of her many names), Mother Nature.
Place of Birth: An unrevealed location on Earth in the Pre-Cambrian era.
Marital Status: Single.
Known Relatives: Demiurge (creator); Oshtur (sister); Chthon, Set (brothers); Hyppus (brother, deceased); Atum (alias the Demogorge), Ouranos (alias Anu), Pontus (alias Abzu), Kronus, Thor (sons); Agamotto. Damballah, Sligguth (nephews); Tiamat (niece). She is the progenitor of most of the pantheons of gods that have been worshipped on Earth.
Group Affiliation: None.
Base of Operations: Earth.
First Post-Reboot Appearance: DOCTOR STRANGE: SORCERER SUPREME #
History: Gaea was one of the first beings to appear on Earth, spawned by the enigmatic Demiurge, alongside the other so-called Elder Gods. In time, however, most of the Elder Gods degenerated into demons by preying on and consuming each other; the first to do this was the serpentine Set, who devoured their brother Hyppus. Gaea and her sister Oshtur were the only two Elder Gods to not descend into being demons; Oshtur, ever curious, had left Earth some time before to explore the multiverse. In desperation, Gaea mated with the Demiurge to produce a being powerful enough to fight the demons without becoming one in the process: Atum, who fought the demons and consumed their power, becoming the Demogorge. The only demons to escape the Demogorge were crafty Chthon, Set, and several of Set's spawns, and only because they fled to other dimensions they either created or conquered. Gaea, in order to avoid degeneration herself, merged with Earth's biosphere. (It is believed that, of all the worlds the Demiurge spawned life on, the melding of the planet's biosphere and the Elder God is extremely rare, making Earth unique in this corner of the cosmos.)

Gaea guided evolution over the eons, experimenting first with fish and sharks, then reptiles and dinosaurs, and ultimately with birds and mammals. Occasionally, she would either spontaneously produce offspring (such as Ouranos, also known as Anu, who fathered both the Olympian and Arabic/Mesopotamian pantheons) or, more often, mate with others (such as with Ouranos to produce the Titans, forerunners of the Olympian gods). These offspring gathered into extended clans, who were later worshipped as gods by early civilizations. At some indeterminate point in the past, at least a thousand years ago if not earlier, Gaea, sensed the coming need for a champion with ties to both Asgard and Earth and, taking the identity of Jord, mated with Odin, head of the Asgardian gods, to give birth to their son Thor.

Recently, Gaea communicated with Clea, the extradimensional apprentice of Dr. Stephen Strange, Earth's Sorcerer Supreme, to warn them of a planned incursion by the N'Garai, creations and servants of Gaea's brother Chthon.
Age: Indeterminate.
Physical Characteristics: Gaea can manifest herself in whatever female humanoid form she pleases. Most of the time she appears as an attractive woman of indeterminate age with blue eyes and long black hair; as Jord, she manifested with long blond hair. Her height varies from a normal human height – typically 5' 6", but even this is variable – to heights of 30 and 300 feet tall.
Uniform: None.
Strength Level: As the embodiment of all life on Earth, Gaea is said to no longer possess a physical form. Her human-sized manifestations, said to be akin to her original form, possess the typical superhuman strength of an immortal deity, commonly being able to lift (press) 35 tons; her giant forms are proportionately stronger. Channeling the power of the planet, her manifestations' strength can increased to infinite levels.
Known Superhuman Powers: Having merged with the planet's biosphere, Gaea has control over all lower life forms, including plants and fungi as well as animals; higher life forms, such as the great apes (including humans), whales, dolphins, and elephants, are more resistant to her direct control.

Stats: As the embodiment of all life on Earth, Gaea is essentially incalculable.

Role-Playing Notes:

Gaea is commonly a caring soul whose perspective is more long-term than even some of her immortal progeny. However, she is known to birth monsters as well. She rarely gets involved herself, usually communicating with a select few through dreams and even fewer directly. She has been known to lend power to those who invoke one of her many names for power; nowadays she is more commonly invoked by voodoo houngans and Wiccans than sorcerers. For some unknown reason, she prefers to communicate with women.

Gaea is best used as an NPC, either as a Contact or low-frequency Patron.