Real Name: Mortimer Toynbee.
Occupation: Professional criminal.
Identity: Known to the authorities.
Legal Status: Citizen of Canada with no criminal record.
Other Aliases: "Igor".
Place of Birth: Ontario, Canada.
Marital Status: Single.
Known Relatives: None.
Group Affiliation: Brotherhood of Mutants.
Base of Operations: Mobile.
First Post-Reboot Appearance: UNCANNY X-MEN #4.
History: Mortimer Toynbee was abandoned on an orphanage doorstep as an infant. His stature, mutant tongue, and less-than-average looks resulted in him being picked on by the other kids at the orphanage. He withdrew into himself, so much so that the people working the orphanage believed he was mentally retarded, when in reality he possessed a slightly above average intelligence. He developed a personality where he would show complete and utter devotion to anyone who showed him the slightest compassion.
As an adult, he was discovered by Magneto, who was forming his Brotherhood of Mutants, and given the name Toad after his physical attributes and sycophantic personality. Magneto did not believe that Toad's abilities would be of great value, but liked that Toad would not question him or seek greater power than what Magneto allowed.
As a member of the Brotherhood, Toad clashed several times with the X-Men, until Magneto was separated from the Brotherhood. At some time prior to this the Toad had become smitten with his teammate, the Scarlet Witch, and in his own way attempted to show his affection for her. This led to her turning him into his namesake animal at least once. Even so, he followed her without question while the Brotherhood was trapped in the Savage Land when she assumed leadership of the group. While in the Savage Land, the Toad lost a lot of weight and chose to eschew the outfit Magneto had given him; he has not yet designed a replacement uniform, opting for standard civilian attire instead.
Toad continues to serve as a member of the Brotherhood to this day.
Age: 20.
Height: 5' 8".
Weight: 160 lbs. (was 260 lbs. early on).
Eyes: Brown.
Hair: Brown.
Other Distinguishing Features: Toad's tongue reaches up to 12 feet away when he extends it to its full length.
Uniform: Formerly a brown leotard with a collar akin to a medieval court jester's over an orange bodysuit, brown pixie boots, and goggles with red lenses; currently none.
Strength Level: The Toad possesses strength slightly greater than that of a normal human of his height, weight, and build, though he does not possess superhuman strength.
Known Superhuman Powers: The Toad is a mutant with animalistic traits that resemble those of his namesake.
Primarily, the Toad possesses enhanced strength in his legs enabling him to leap superhuman distances. He has been known to reach a height of 20 feet and a distance of 80 feet in the same leap. Toad's spine is more flexible than would be apparent, enabling him to spend time in a crouch without damage.
In addition, his fingers and toes have microscopic suction cups on them enabling him to cling to any surface with them.
Finally, Toad's tongue is able to extend to a length of 12 feet, and is strong enough to enable him to grasp a crossbeam and pull himself towards it.330 points
ST: 15 [50] | HP: 15 [0] | Speed: 7.00 [0] |
DX: 15 [100] | Will: 10 [-5] | Move: 7 [0] |
IQ: 11 [20] | Per: 13 [10] | |
HT: 13 [30] | FP: 13 [0] | SM: 0 |
Dmg: 1d+1/2d+1 | BL: 45 lbs. | |
Dodge: 13 | Parry: 11 | DR: 12/4* (concealed vest) |
Languages: English (Native) (Native Language) [0].
Cultural Familiarities: Western (Native) [0].
Advantages: Catfall (Mutant Biology, +0%) [10]; Clinging (Mutant Biology, +0%) [20]; Combat Reflexes [15]; Double-Jointed (Mutant Biology, +0%) [15]; Enhanced Dodge 2 [30]; Extra Arms 1 (Extra-Flexible, +50%; Long 2, +200%; Mutant Biology, +0%) [35]; Hard to Kill 2 [4]; Hard to Subdue 2 [4]; Perfect Balance (Mutant Biology, +0%) [15]; Super Jump 3 (Mutant Biology, +0%) [30]; Versatile [-5].
Perks: Acrobatic Kicks [1]; Eye For Distance [1]; Grip Mastery (Quarterstaff) [1].
Disadvantages: Appearance (Ugly) [-8]; Clueless [-10]; Gregarious [-10]; Gullibility (9) [-15]; Low Self-Image [-10]; Oblivious [-5]; Pacifism (Reluctant Killer) [-5]; Social Stigma (Criminal Record) [-5]; Social Stigma (Freak) [-10]; Status -1 [-5]; Truthfulness (6) [-10]; Wealth (Poor) [-15]; Workaholic [-5].
Quirks: Bowlegged [-1]; Constantly Calls Magneto "Master" [-1]; Dual Identity [-1]; Enamored with the Scarlet Witch [-1]; Imaginative [-1].
Skills: Acrobatics (H) DX+1 [4] – 16*; Climbing (A) DX+6 [2] – 21*†; Electronics Operation/TL8 (Security) (A) IQ+1 [4] – 12; Electronics Operation/TL8 (Surveillance) (A) IQ+1 [4] – 12; Electronics Repair/TL8 (Security) (A) IQ+1 [4] – 12; Electronics Repair/TL8 (Surveillance) (A) IQ+1 [4] – 12; Escape (H) DX+4 [2] – 19†; Jumping (E) DX+3 [8] – 18; Scrounging (E) Per+1 [2] – 14; Staff (A) DX+1 [4] – 16; Stealth (A) DX+0 [2] – 15; Tracking (A) Per+1 [4] – 14.
Techniques: Acrobatic Stand (A) def+6 [6] – 16; Kicking (Acrobatics) (H) def+2 [3] – 16; Sweep (Staff) (H) def+3 [4] – 16.
Starting Spending Money: $800 (20% of Starting Wealth).
* Includes +1 from Perfect Balance.
† Includes +5 from Double-Jointed.
Toad is the prototypical "yes-man"; he lets verbal abuse slide off him if the person abusing him ever shows him any kindness. Of all the Brotherhood, he is probably closest to Quicksilver, as Quicksilver doesn't berate him or put him down.
1. This Toad is an amalgamation of the original comics Toad – the heavy-set, bowlegged sycophant introduced in X-Men v1 #4 (1962) – with the athletic long-tongue version made popular with the movie X-Men (2000) and the X-Men Evolution animated series (ca. 2009).