Supreme Intelligence Non-Villain Antagonist

Real Name: Supreme Intelligence.
Occupation: Absolute monarch.
Identity: The Supreme Intelligence is publicly known in the greater galaxy; its existence is unknown to the general populace of Earth.
Legal Status: Ruler of the Kree Empire.
Other Aliases: Supremor.
Place of Creation: Planet Hala, Pama System, Greater Magellanic Cloud.
Marital Status: Inapplicable.
Known Relatives: Inapplicable.
Group Affiliation: Kree Empire.
Base of Operations: Kree Empire, Greater Magellanic Cloud.
First Post-Reboot Appearance: CAPTAIN MARVEL #1.
History: Over a hundred thousand years ago, Earth time, a group of Kree and Cotati scientists and engineers created an artificial intelligence that ran on an experimental organic-based computer system designed to simulate a Kree's brain. They did not expect the intelligence to achieve self-awareness as quickly as it did. Initially curious about the world and greater galaxy around it, this intelligence volunteered to assist the government of the Pama Republic (predecessor of the Kree Empire). Over the next thousand years (Earth time), this entity, now called the Supreme Intelligence, grew in political power until it overthrew the Republic and installed itself as the ruler of the new Kree Empire.

Normally the Supreme Intelligence leaves the day-to-day running of the Empire to the Parliament and the Prime Minister, focusing its attention on other matters it believes the more limited minds of its citizens cannot comprehend. As the undisputed ruler of the Empire, the Supreme Intelligence's word is law, overriding the Parliament and the courts whenever and however it pleases. It is generally accepted that the Intelligence does not do so randomly, but there is little anyone can do except grumble. There is a massive holoprojector in the Parliament building the Intelligence uses to communicate its wishes or entertain petitioners for its time; however, the Intelligence can use any holoprojector it wishes inside the Empire. It almost always projects the image of a giant green amorphous head with yellow eyes and a dozen green tentacles atop it.

Every five local years, the populace of the Empire selects a delegate for "supremorship", where after the delegate dies his or her mind is uploaded to the Intelligence, effectively becoming part of it. At first the physical brains were cryogenically stored and maintained in a massive computer complex, but as Kree brain emulation technology improved the physical brains were no longer needed. In addition, the Intelligence has been known to take direct control of a number of Sentry robots that are designed with heads built to resemble its usual projected image. The Intelligence also uses portable neural interface units to interact with its subjects on a more personal level.

For reasons unknown, twenty thousand Earth years ago the Supreme Intelligence issued a decree encouraging interbreeding between the Kree and other humanoid races; this led to the development of the so-called "white Kree", currently a second-class majority in the Empire. This has led to political backlash from various blue Kree who believe that this interbreeding weakens the Empire. Recently, Prime Minister Zarek and Supreme Public Accuser Ronan, the two most politically powerful Kree in the Empire, have formed an alliance with the intention of removing the Intelligence from power. The Intelligence is aware of this plot and is biding its time, using them for its own grand designs, which remain currently unknown.
Age: Indeterminate.
Height: Unknown, possibly inapplicable.
Weight: Unknown, possibly inapplicable.
Eyes: None; projects as green.
Hair: None.
Uniform: None.
Strength Level: As a virtual entity, the Supreme Intelligence lacks a physical body and hence has no strength.
Known Superhuman Powers: The Supreme Intelligence possesses superhuman intelligence. Due to its virtual nature, it can harness the computing power of the entire Empire's systems, rendering it nearly omniscient inside the Empire. Its nature also renders it effectively immortal.

When interacting with people using its neural interface units, it projects virtual reality environments into the minds of others; when interacting with others in this manner, the Intelligence often takes the form of someone known to its subject, usually but not always someone the subject respects or admires (but can also be someone the subject fears, if the Intelligence wishes). This virtual form is drawn from the subject's own mind.

Game-Mechanical Details:

The Supreme Intelligence is one of those few characters who do not have a given set of stats due to its very nature. As it is essentially a disembodied AI, it can see and hear through practically every computer in the Kree Empire tied to the Imperial Internet, making it effectively omniscient. Whether it still has a physical housing is debatable and should probably be left to the GM and the campaign. Any such physical housing may even be a red herring!

Role-Playing Notes:

The Supreme Intelligence is patient, methodical, and never fully explains itself to "lesser" entities; any explanation given is in terms others can understand, usually in a condescending manner.

The Supreme Intelligence should probably not be used as a PC in a game, being either an Enemy or a Patron (possibly both).