The beings known as the Elders of the Universe are the oldest known sentient beings in the universe. Each one of them has survived the destruction of his or her homeworld, his or her species, and in some cases his or her home galaxy. While each Elder is the last of his or her race, the Elders all refer to themselves as "brothers" and "sisters".
To date, the only Elder to have encountered anyone from Earth is the Collector, who sought to add the Avengers to his collection. The Elder known as the Grandmaster has encountered a number of adventurers who have ties to Earth, most notably the Kree Captain Marvel and Peter Quill, but has not yet visited the planet. Other Elders that may exist are currently unknown.
First Post-Reboot Appearance: CAPTAIN MARVEL #.
The Elders of the Universe all come from civilizations and species that vanished long before Earth was formed. Furthermore, nearly all of them have access to TL 12^ technology, whether their civilizations achieved it or not. Nearly every device in Ultra-Tech is available to a number of Elders; whether they use them or not is a different story.
In a cosmic-oriented campaign, their High TL advantage would be lowered to High TL +1, reducing their point value by 15 points.
400 points
Advantages: G-Experience (All) [10]; High TL +4 [20]; Higher Purpose 4 [20]; Immunity to Metabolic Hazards [30]; Improved G-Tolerance (10G increments) [25]; Supernatural Durability [150]; Unaging [15]; Unkillable 3 [150].
Disadvantages: Obsession (Long-Term Goal) (6) [-20].