Multiple Man Hero

Real Name: James Arthur "Jamie" Madrox.
Occupation: Private investigator.
Identity: Known to the authorities.
Legal Status: Citizen of the United States with no known criminal record.
Other Aliases: None known.
Place of Birth: Los Alamos, New Mexico.
Marital Status: Single.
Known Relatives: Daniel (father, deceased); Joan (mother).
Group Affiliation: X-Factor Investigations; Xavier Institute alumni.
Base of Operations: Mutant Town, Lower East Side, Manhattan, New York City.
First Post-Reboot Appearance: UNCANNY X-MEN ANNUAL #1.
History: Jamie Madrox was raised on a ranch in New Mexico until his powers manifested at age 10 when he fell off a horse he was riding, creating a duplicate upon impact with the ground. At first, he was given a suit which absorbed kinetic energy to prevent unwanted duplicates; the suit's origins are currently unknown, but believed to have been created either by his father or by Reed Richards. Jamie's father, Daniel Madrox, was killed in unrevealed circumstances. When he was older, Jamie enrolled in the Xavier Institute for Gifted Youngsters as one of its first students in order to learn to control his powers without needing the suit.

Jamie was one of the veritable army of Xavier Institute students organized by Scott Summers to rescue Scott's brother Alex from the Cult of the Living Pharaoh. This is the first known instance of him using the alias "Multiple Man". During the fracas, one of Jamie's duplicates was killed by the Living Pharaoh's "evolved" form, the Living Monolith; apparently this was the first time one of his duplicates ever died.

Jamie did not graduate the Institute, but left a year before he would have in order to complete his schooling a more mundane fashion. Despite this, he is still considered one of their alumni. After graduating high school, he signed on with a private investigation firm, often sending out duplicates to cover multiple cases at once. After earning his own PI license, Jamie opened up his own investigation firm, X-Factor Investigations, operating out of the Lower East Side of Manhattan in a district with a large mutant population known as "Mutant Town" by the locals.

Multiple Man was among the various Institute students and alumni who gathered to protect the Institute from the Juggernaut's assault. Since then, he played a part in assisting the various superhuman adventurers who gathered to fight the Zodiac Cartel when they erected an energy dome over Manhattan.

Jamie's later activities are currently unknown.
Age: 20.
Height: 5' 11".
Weight: 175 lbs.
Eyes: Brown.
Hair: Black.
Uniform: Blue long-sleeved shirt with gold trip, black pants, black gloves, black boots, blue cowl with gold trim, blue belt with a red and black circle-X on the buckle; occasionally wears a black trench coat over it. As a student of the Xavier Institute, he trained while wearing the black bodysuit with red and black circle-X shoulder pads, yellow boots, and yellow belt with a rectangular red buckle styled with a black X that are standard issue to students.
Strength Level: Jamie Madrox possesses the normal human strength of a man his age, height, and build who engages in moderate regular exercise.
Known Superhuman Powers: Multiple Man, as his name suggests, is able to create duplicates of himself. These duplicates are created through the kinetic energy of physical impact; Jamie only needs to tap any body part to create them, even a snap of his fingers will work, though through practice he no longer needs to wear a special suit to prevent the creation of duplicates from minor impacts. Intense impacts, like receiving a punch, will still involuntarily create additional duplicates. These duplicates are created copying Jamie's clothing and any items carried. At present, he is believed to have an upper limit of around 40 duplicates. Should the prime Jamie be rendered unconscious, all of his duplicates fade away, presumably reabsorbed.

These duplicates are identical to Jamie in every way, possessing his skills and memories as well as the ability to create other duplicates of their own. He is psychically linked to all of his duplicates, his duplicates' duplicates, his duplicates' duplicates' duplicates, and so on, being able to locate any of them at any time regardless of the distance involved. He can reabsorb a duplicate at will with a touch, absorbing their memories and learned skills in the process. If the absorbed duplicate was injured, Jamie suffers a partial injury of a similar manner. In the event a duplicate is killed, Jamie suffers intense psychic pain; Jamie cannot reabsorb the body nor the memories of a slain duplicate.

If a duplicate remains separated from Jamie for an extended period of time, there is a slight chance the duplicate will gain increased independence, eventually becoming his own person. Whether an independent duplicate will be reabsorbed or remain separate from Jamie if he is rendered unconscious is presently unknown.
Other Abilities: Jamie is a skilled investigator and photographer. He is also a skilled horseman and rancher, though he rarely has need to utilize these skills. He is a skilled hand to hand combatant and decent shot with a pistol and shotgun, though he prefers not to use these skills. He is fluent in Spanish, Navajo, and Hawaiian. He may at times display a previously unknown skill based on something a duplicate of his learned.
Paraphernalia: Jamie used to wear a special suit under his clothing which absorbed and rechanneled kinetic energy to prevent him from creating duplicates when he did not want to. Thanks to training, he no longer needs to wear the suit.

2,823 points

ST: 11 [10] HP: 11 [0] Speed: 6.00 [5]
DX: 12 [40] Will: 12 [0] Move: 6 [0]
IQ: 12 [40] Per: 12 [0]  
HT: 12 [20] FP: 12 [0] SM: 0
Dmg: 1d-2/1d BL: 20 lbs.  
Dodge: 10 Parry: 10 DR: 12/4* (uniform or concealed vest)

Languages: English (Native) (Native Language) [0]; Hawaiian (Native) [6]; Navajo (Native) [6]; Spanish (Native) [6].

Cultural Familiarities: American Southwest Amerindian [1]; Latin American [1]; Western [0].

Advantages: Absolute Direction [5]; Combat Reflexes [15]; Duplication 40 (Duplicated Gear, +100%; Trigger: Physical Impact, -10%; Mutant, -10%) [2,520]; Eidetic Memory [5]; Mindlink (Duplicates) (Mutant Psionic, -10%) [18]; Natural Copper 4 [40]; Racial Memory (Active) (Past Duplicates Instead of Ancestors, +0%; Mutant, -10%) [36].

Perks: Teamwork (Duplicates) [1].

Disadvantages: Code of Honor (Hero's) [-10]; Flashbacks (Mild) [-5]; Overconfidence (12) [-5]; Pacifism (Cannot Harm Innocents) [-10]; Sense of Duty (Mutantkind) [-10].

Quirks: Attentive [-1]; Broad-Minded [-1]; Dual Identity [-1]; Interviews Badly [-1]; Practical Joker [-1].

Skills: Acting (A) IQ+1 [4] – 13; Body Language (Human) (A) Per+3 [1] – 15*; Carousing (E) HT+0 [1] – 12; Climbing (A) DX+0 [2] – 12; Computer Operation/TL8 (E) IQ+0 [1] – 12; Criminology/TL8 (A) IQ+3 [1] – 15*; Detect Lies (H) Per+3 [2] – 15*; Fast-Talk (A) IQ+0 [2] – 12; Filch (A) DX+1 [4] – 13; First Aid/TL8 (Human) (E) IQ+0 [1] – 12; Forced Entry (E) DX+0 [1] – 12; Guns/TL8 (Pistol) (E) DX+0 [1] – 12; Guns/TL8 (Shotgun) (E) DX+0 [1] – 12; Holdout (A) IQ+0 [2] – 12; Intelligence Analysis/TL8 (H) IQ+3 [2] – 15*; Interrogation (A) IQ+4 [2] – 16*; Judo (H) DX+0 [4] – 12; Karate (H) DX+0 [4] – 12; Observation (A) Per+3 [1] – 15*; Photography/TL8 (A) IQ+1 [4] – 13; Pickpocket (H) DX+0 [4] – 12; Research/TL8 (A) IQ+1 [4] – 13; Riding (Equines) (A) DX+0 [2] – 12; Running (A) HT+0 [2] – 12; Savoir-Faire (Dojo) (E) IQ+0 [1] – 12; Savoir-Faire (Police) (E) IQ+4 [1] – 16*; Scrounging (E) Per+0 [1] – 12; Search (A) Per+3 [1] – 15*; Shadowing (A) IQ+3 [1] – 15*; Skiing (H) HT+0 [4] – 12; Smuggling (A) IQ+2 [8] – 14; Speed-Reading (A) IQ+1 [4] – 13; Sports (Baseball) (A) DX+0 [2] – 12; Stealth (A) DX+2 [8] – 14; Streetwise (A) IQ+3 [1] – 15*; Swimming (E) HT+0 [1] – 12; Throwing (A) DX+0 [2] – 12; Tracking (A) Per+2 [8] – 14; Wrestling (A) DX+0 [2] – 12.

Starting Spending Money: $4,000 (20% Starting Wealth).

* Includes +4 from Natural Copper.

Role-Playing Notes:

Jamie tends toward both serious and jocular. When on the job, he is serious; when relaxing around his friends, he is often a practical joker. Above all, he is loyal to his friends and the mutant community.

Design Notes:

1. Reboot!Jamie is of mixed African-American and Native American descent.

2. Yes, that is X-Factor Investigations he heads. Plans are to have Havok and Polaris shift over there after graduating in Year Two; I'm not sure who else will transfer over, given plans are for Wolfsbane and Monet – and most of the other original classes of New Mutants, X-Terminators/X-Factor Trainees, and Generation X – to be younger students at Xavier's for the time being, with Siryn renamed to Bainsidhe as SHIELD's Interpol liaison.