The Fan-Fiction Page

Star Trek: Privateer
Marvel Comics
Welcome to the wacky, wild, and oftimes just plain wierd world of Fan-Fiction.

Be definition, fan-fiction breaks all known copyright laws. The writers of fan-fic take characters, settings, and even entire universes that were created by others, and take that one last step, taking the story places the original creators never intended.

Yet fan-fic is the most popular of all online fiction. Why? People automatically know who the characters are, what the setting is, etc., and hence can relate. Face it, if someone mentioned that they had a story about Klingons and/or Ferengi, you'd know what they were talking about. Very little explanation of what these races were like would be necessary.

While fan-fiction is, by law, illegal, most of the major companies who create the movies and shows being written about see such fiction at best as beneficial (helps get the word out), or, at worst, as benign. Most companies simply turn a blind eye to fan-fic, and some even encourage it (i.e. most comics companies). Only Saban Entertainment has gone out of their way to shut down various fan-fiction sites dedicated to their most popular show, the Power Rangers (Oppressors!! :)), with limited success.

Located at right is a listing of the various fan-fics I've been involved in. Happy reading.

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