
This is a basic, modern style of martial arts, and can be used in place of H2H: Basic.

Basic and Special Moves: Body block/tackle, body flip/throw, break fall, disarm, roll with punch/fall/impact, strike, parry, dodge, and pull punch are known at first level.

Bonuses: +2D4 to SDC, +1 to ME, and +1 to PP.


  1. Four attacks per melee, +3 to roll with impact, +3 to pull punch.
  2. +2 to parry and dodge, +1 to strike.
  3. +1 to body flip/throw and body block/tackle, +1 to disarm.
  4. One additional attack per melee; karate-style kick (2D6 damage).
  5. Critical body flip/throw on natural 19 or 20 (double damage).
  6. +1 to strike, parry, dodge, and body flip/throw.
  7. WP: Paired Weapons, +2 to damage.
  8. Jump kick, +1 to roll with impact.
  9. One additional attack per melee.
  10. +2 on initiative, +1 to parry and dodge.
  11. +1 to break fall and disarm.
  12. Critical strike on natural 18, 19, or 20.
  13. +2 to damage, knock-out/stun on a natural 19 or 20.
  14. One additional attack per melee.
  15. Automatic body flip/throw.

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