
An advanced form of self-defense and unarmed combat usually taught to commandos.


  1. 2 attacks/melee, +2 to pull punch, +2 to roll with impact
  2. +3 to parry and dodge
  3. +2 to strike
  4. One additional attack per melee
  5. Kick attack: 1D6 Damage
  6. Critical strike on an unmodified 18, 19, or 20
  7. Paired Weapons
  8. Judo-stylke body throw/flip; does 1D6 Damage, and victim loses initiative and one attack per melee
  9. One additional attack per melee
  10. +3 to damage
  11. Knockout/stun on an unmodified roll of 18, 19, or 20
  12. +2 to parry and dodge
  13. Critical strike or knockout from behind (triple damage)
  14. One additional attack per melee
  15. Death Blow on a roll of natural 20

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