
Welcome to the world of Rifts, where magic, technology, and monsters of all sorts roam the earth. This is the world we know, and the one we do not know. I got involved in this quite recently, coming across a number of books in the back of the local comic shop. It intrigued me. It captivated me. It caused me to put my novel on hold. Damn it. :)

The game of Rifts is a Role-Playing Game (RPG), where the Players take the role of heroes and adventurers in a Fantasy world controlled by the GameMaster (GM). And yet, the GM does not have absolute control over the gameplay, as the Players and their Player-Characters (PCs) may take the game places the GM never thought of.

The World

The world of Rifts is dramatically changed. The Gulf Coast is about 50 miles inland of what it was. The Amazon River is now three-times as wide. Atlantis has risen, and occupies the area between the Bahamas and the Azores. The Gateway Arch in old St. Louis is a permanent invulnerable gateway to Hell. Mankind is struggling to survive in a world where anything and everything can kill him. And then there's the non-humans, demons, and the like.

How did this get started? It all started not too far into the future. The great Empires of the late 20th and early 21st Century decided to nuke each other. Nice guys, eh? That's what our tax dollars went to. The tremendous loss of life involved opened up the many long-dormant mystic ley lines that ran across the earth. The large influx of mystic energy killed even more people, strengthening the lines. So now, in this changed Earth. From these ley lines stepped dragons, elves, giants, orcs, trolls, demons, and Faeries.

The North Star Company is a small mercenary unit formed by the Player-Characters of the games I've been involved in (usually as the GM, but sometimes as a player), in their adventures in this changed world.

Rifts is a registered trademark owned by and licened under a limited license by Kevin Siembieda and Palladium Books, Inc.
This page contains derivative works and other items allowed under this license.
I claim no connection to Palladium Books, nor am I making any money off this page.