Mailing Segev Katrina Drakar Korg Kyran Ruathor Alfred Menaria Lannstucht Tanda Roland Tana Maru Glim Jonahli Notes
Starting 10000 10100 12587 10000 10000 12,000 15000 10000 10000 10000 10500 12000 10000 1000
2 100     100       100 100 100 100   100  
3 100     100       100 100 100 100   100  
4 100     100       100 100 100 100   100  
5 100     100       100 100 100 100   100  
6 100     100       100 100 100 100   100  
7 100     100       100 100 100 100   100  
8 100 100   100       100 100 100 100   100  
9 100 100   100       100 100 100 100   100  
10 100 100   100       100 100 100 100   100  
11 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000     1000 1000 1000 1000   1000   Okay, a bit of a change here.  Everyone involved gets 100 XP per mass mailing they've been a part of, sans the very first mailing I sent out starting this off; for most of you, that's 1000 XP total.  Katrina, yours started with Mailing 8, so 400 XP there.  Wolf and Half-Orc, 100 XP for this one.  Introductions can happen later.  For taking out the three Crusaders, everyone receives 900 XP. In addition, a search of the dead body will reveal a large metal shield, a masterwork bastard sword, enchanted (+1) full plate armor in decent shape, a plain grey cloak that registers as magical, two potions, and a mighty (+3) masterwork composite longbow.  Searching the horses will net you two sets of masterwork plate barding, 1900 gp, a blue quartz gem (appraised at 8 gp), an onyx (70 gp), a bloodstone (40 gp), a moonstone (50 gp), and a star ruby (worth at least 9000 gp), not to mention you now can claim a trained warhorse with full tack.
12 400 400 600 400 400     400 400 400 500   400   Everyone: Give yourselves 200 XP for the session instead of the standard 100, due to the sheer number of replies I received (80 by my count).   Also: 200 XP to Drakar for staying in-character regarding Narush.  100 XP to Roland for staying in-character when leaving the party.  200 XP to everyone for general paranoia. ;)
13 100 100 100 100 100     100 100 100 0   100  
14 100 350 450 100 300     350 150 100 500   350   XP Time! Okay, everyone who posted gets the regular 100 session XP for remaining in-character. Menaria gains 250 XP for judicious and useful use of spells. Drakar gains 350 XP for rescuing the infant dwarf. The Wanderer gains 300 XP for rescuing the halfling children. Lannstuct and Katrina get an additional 50 for remaining in-character despite conflicting reports. The Wanderer gets a bonus 100 XP for style. Glim gains 250 XP for dogged, meticulous brainpower. Katrina and Kyran get 200 XP for attempting to help out.
15 350 350 350 350 350     350 350 350 350 350 350  
16 100 100 100 100 100 100   100 100 100 100 100 0  
17 100 100 100 100 100 100   100 100 100 100 100 0  
18 800 700 700 750 800 650   200 600 650 750 650 0   XP TIME!  That's right, it's time for more XP for people!  Everyone gets 200 session XP for this post, as opposed to the 100 standard session XP.  This covers not only the length of the post, but also putting up with my absense and distractions during the last week or two.  Don't forget to give yourselves 100 each from the previous two mailings. Plus, the following: Drakar: 500 Katrina: 500 Korg: 550  Kyran: 600 Lannstucht: 400 Roland/Walker: 550 Ruathor: 450 Segev: 600 Tana: 450 Tanda: 450 These cover the experiences from Mailing 16 to present, far too numerous to elaborate on here.
19 1650 2500 1750 1500 1500 1500   1550 1500 1300 1500 1300 0   Okay! XP!  Everyone gets 200 XP for the session, based on the number of replies I've received. Katrina gets 900 XP for her solo combat session against two 5th level rogues.In addition, everyone gains 1,100 XP for the fight on board the ship.  Drakar gains an additional 200 XP for attempting to arrange for a decent strategy, as well as 250 for good use of spells.  Katrina
gets 100 for not sitting and waiting for a rescue. Korg gets 200 for sheer badass style.  Kyran gets 200 for strategy and tactics.   Lannstucht gets 200 for staying mostly in-character.  Menaria gets 250 for use of spells while staying in-character.  Roland gets 200 for sheer kick-butt style.  Ruathor gets 200 sub-plot bonus  Segev gets 150 for letting his minion do all the work. Both Katrina and Segev get 200 for proper use of magic missile to sensitive areas.  It's all in the wrist, right?
20 650 650 650 650 650 650   650 650 650 650 650 0 650 XP Time again! This was another long one; two whole weeks worth of messages to slog through, over 100 in all.  Everyone gets 350 session XP instead of the standard 100.  This also goes to Barb, now playing Jonahli. In addition, there was too much going on this time to accurately break things down, but I'll give an additional 300 to everyone involved.
21 100 100 100 100 100 100   100 100 100 100 100   100
22a 100 100 100 100 100   100               Therro
22b               100 100 100 100 100   100 Marach
23a 100 100 100 100 100 100 100               Therro
23b               100 100 100 100 100   100 Marach
24a 444 444 444 444 444 444 444               Therro - XP: Everyone receives the standard 100 session XP for the mailing.  In addition, everyone gains 344 XP for this fight.  Loot: Among the corpses of previous victims, the group finds coins amounting to 28 gp and a piece of hematite worth 10 gp.
24b               300 300 300 450 300   300 Marach - XP: Everyone who posted gets the standard 100 session XP. Jian gets 300 XP for defeating the dire rats, and an additional 50 XP for doing it with a sense of style. Everyone else gets 200 plot XP each.
PBeM 6894 7294 6544 6694 6044 3644 644 6300 6450 6250 7100 3750 3100 1250
Total 16894 17394 19131 16694 16044 15644 15644 16300 16450 16250 17600 15750 13100 2250