"Let's get down to business, shall we? I am Constable Richeleau, and until we determine who exactly is is responsible for the problem I was summoned here for this fine morning, you are all suspects. I will be asking each of you several questions, and based on whether I believe you or not will determine who goes to gaol." "Well good sir, perhaps you should direct your questioning to me then, as I was the first of those of us gathered here to be on the scene, aside from a young priestess whose scream woke us all up." Roland smiles briefly, trying to ignore the corpse in the room. "However, I wouldn't suggest that this room be the one best suited for interrogation. Perhaps you would care to accompany me to my chambers? I shall cooperate to my fullest extent." He then calmly steps just outside of the room, crossing his arms once he enters the hallway and leaning against the wall, waiting on Richeleau to accompany him. Glim isn't really paying attention to Richeleau. "Hmm, gaol. Yes that sounds..." Attention snaps over to Richeleau. "Good morrow, constable. Are you here for this stabbing, too?" "I shall remain to see that the room remains undisturbed until Menaria can return to question our sole witness," says Segev in the tones of one stating an inevitable fact. "You are, of course, invited to question the deceased as well, Constable." Perhaps he intended that to be a gracious statement, but it came out disinterested. He does not move from his position by the head of the bed, still standing sentinel over the corpse. "I can do what I need to out in the hallway," he replies. Everyone else, out of the room." Constable Richeleau then proceeds to guide everyone still lingering about the corpse out into the hallway. "Now, sir," he asks Roland, "as you've volunteered to be first, I need your name and full description of what happened." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Say, Korg," Tanda said as she eyed the lock and closet for any traps, "did you keep your backpack here or in your room?" "Hmmm?" Korg replies and thinks for longer than such a simple question should take. "I think I left it here," he says after a while. "Why do you ask?" "I was thinking we could still do an early withdrawal after all, except we stuff it in our packs. Good thing the Crimson Sword sprung for those bottomless backpacks we've got, eh?" Korg blinks a few times. "You got a bottomless backpack?" "Sure," Tanda said, turning to look at Korg as she got hers off the shelf. "Didn't we-- wait. You mean to tell me you *didn't* take one when we left the Crimson Sword? I thought you already had one!" She sighed, long and slowly, looking around for any other doors. "You just watch the door and when the priestess is starting back down the hallway to here, tap me on the shoulder, ok?" She smiled as she extracted some old friends from a side compartment in her pack. "I've got work to do." Korg gets that funny prickling sensation that tells him he's probably done something stupid. "Well... it was just a backpack... I've got saddle bags and a normal backpack that works just fine, right?" he quietly replies, a tinge of embarrasment in his voice. He turns and stands watch like she asks, not really clear on what Tanda's planning but trusting her to be the brains of the two. Tanda turns to the lock, and is amazed as the lock slides open. She then proceeds to stuff her armor and weapons, as well as Korg's, into her pack before locking it up again. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Time passes, with everyone in the temple being interrogated one at a time by Richeleau. While some of the party are open and friendly, most are guardedly cautious--which is understandable--one is coldly indifferent, and one not only gives chillingly accurate details of what was seen in the room right down to the placement and speces of the insects on the wall, but also lets Richeleau know what she thinks of his brute squad at the door. Richeleau doesn't stay in the hallway, but roams the temple and goes over the scene of the murder looking for clues until Menaria steps into the room. An hour and a half have passed since the body was discovered. "I have the spell available to cast...but it will be limited in time. It would be best if you have the questions already ready," she says woodenly. It is obvious the struggle to keep a straight face is hard. As Menaria casts the spell, oddly enough the High Priestess's eyes open, and a soft yet stern voice laced with a chilling tone emanates from her mouth. "Ask," she appears to say, "and receive the knowledge you seek." "Who killed you?" "One who seeks the Spear," comes the chilling reply. Richeleau raises an eyebrow at this. "Why did the killer only kill you, and no another priestesses?" "The High Priestess of the temples are the only ones who know of the Spear's location." Before any other questions can be asked, the spell's time expires. The corpse's eyes close again, and what semblance of life was granted by the spell disappears. Constable Richeleau looks over the group. "I hate when holy wars between deities flare up," he states flatly, turning to leave. "Expect to hear more of me in the near future." With that, he leaves the temple, taking the brute squad with him. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mythology Lesson #4 Galsus's Nature and Deeds Galsus is the first among the gods, being the oldest among them and father to several. He is credited with having created the world, and is known as the God of the Sky, from where he surveys the world with an ever watchful eye. He is also credited with codifying the first laws. He is the lord of the gods, bringer of light, and patron of all life in the world. Galsus is generally a just, if somewhat stern, ruler who is immensely proud of his children and grandchildren. His sole disappointments are his favorite son, Hextor, and favorite daughter, Vy, who turned away from his light and embraced the darkness. He has fathered more than other deities. Several epic heroes in the past have been sired by Galsus, and he has been and remains the patron of many others, some of whom are still active. As yet, none of these mortal children have been elevated to godhood. Every Conjunction, Galsus abdicates his rule of the gods to his granddaughter Grangre, the goddess of order, in order to engage in an unarmed fight against his rebel son Hextor. This combat is then organized and judged by Grangre, who then by law must abdicate the throne to the winner of the fight. To date, Galsus has always bested his rebel son; although, in the last few conjunctions the calls were extraordinarily close. The gods who follow Galsus fear that Hextor might be able to one day overthrow his father. Once, during the early days of the reign of the Great Kingdom in the Settled Lands, Galsus decided to travel the world, posing as a mortal warrior and operating against the forces that threatened to destroy the human nation. [and here, the record is incomplete, mostly because I'm trying not to turn him into a carbon-copy Zeus].